
2024-08-05 10:59

HGC wins "Community Education and Engagement Award" at NEXX Sustainability & ESG Awards 2024

Fulfils Corporate Social Responsibility    Realises Sustainable Development

HONG KONG, Aug. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- HGC Global Communications ("HGC" or "Group"), a fully-fledged ICT service provider and network operator with extensive global coverage, has won the " Community Education and Engagement Award" at the NEXX Sustainability & ESG Awards 2024, honouring for its excellent performance in sustainable development, as well as its care for and outstanding achievements in community education, nurturing youth and promoting local culture.

Promoting sustainable development and practising ESG are regarded by HGC as a cornerstone of its development. Through active participation in community, education, and regularly review its internal governance, the Group ensures it fulfils its corporate social responsibility and brings positive impact to society. As for social responsibility, HGC has stayed true to the mission of promoting local music culture in the past few years, organising a series of HGC "Go Ahead, Performers!" and "HGC Summer Jam 2023" music shows to help promote and support the new generation music power. These events have successfully provided a platform to local young musicians to perform, allowing them to pursue their dreams and shine. In addition, the Group is always concerned about talent shortage issue in the ICT industry, and therefore it has been nurturing new generation talent. HGC is working closely with organisations, such as the Vocational Training Council (VTC) and The Communications Association of Hong Kong, to provide training and workshops, and organise events like the "GreenTech ICT Open Day" to students, which aim to raise youngsters' awareness of innovative information technology and cybersecurity through a relaxing and interactive manner; at the same time, provide them with a comprehensive understanding of the development of the industry and relevant career prospects. Upholding the same beliefs, HGC also launched a new "Sunshine Hong Kong" campaign devoted to bringing positive energy and joy to Hong Kong citizens, while raising awareness of mental health. A series of activities will be held in the second half of the year to help the public to relax and encourage pursuit of physical and mental well-being.

In addition to the Group's commitment to caring and building a harmonious society, the Group also places much emphasis on how environmental management and corporate governance can contribute to sustainable development. On the environmental management front, HGC has sought to reduce its carbon footprint by adopting such measures as deploying energy-efficient networks, working with environmentally-friendly suppliers, and using more energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly HVAC systems when upgrading its hubs; As for corporate governance, the Group is dedicated to building a fair and equitable working environment, requiring employees to declare any conflict of interest every year, and has zero tolerance for fraud, corruption and any other form of crime in the workplace. To protect the rights and interests of employees, HGC has in place confidential policy to protect whistleblowers, and a reward and punishment system to encourage employees and partners to raise matter of concerns. Together with them, the Group hopes to enhance transparency of its information and strengthen sustainable development of its business. 

NEXX has organized a number of major awards over the years to promote technological innovation and advancement in Hong Kong, with a view to establishing the city into Asia's leading technological innovation hub. NEXX Sustainability and ESG Awards 2024 themed "Embracing Sustainable Futures: Harnessing Tech Innovation for a Resilient and Thriving Tomorrow" was co-organised by NEXX and City University of Hong Kong Global EMBA, with the support of Cyberport, the Hong Kong Design Centre, the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park and the Hong Kong Institute of Project Management. HGC won the "Community Education and Engagement Award" for its "HGC Summer Jam 2023" and "GreenTech ICT Open Day" this year, testifying to its outstanding achievements in promoting sustainable development and striving to build a harmonious society, worthy of emulation by industry peers.

Danny Tai, Chief Compliance Officer of HGC, said: "We are very honored to receive this award in the area of ESG, recognizing our efforts particularly in community education and engagement. As a leading telecommunications operator, HGC is well aware of the importance of environmental management, social responsibility, and good corporate governance in building a sustainable business. We have specific goals set and plan to, via different initiatives and activities, enable the Group to better fulfil its corporate citizenship. For example, by formulating a series of health and safety measures including appointing safety officers, compiling health and safety manuals, and requiring employees working in the office or outdoors to receive health and safety training twice a year to ensure a healthy and safe working environment. Looking ahead, HGC will implement ESG programme in more overseas offices, and to extend the mission to promoting sustainable development to others by requesting service providers and partners to fulfill the commitment to carbon reduction, working hand-in-hand with us to build a better and inclusive future."

Mr. Danny Tai Chief Compliance Officer of HGC Accepts Community Education and Engagement Award for HGC at NEXX Sustainability and ESG Awards 2024
Mr. Danny Tai Chief Compliance Officer of HGC Accepts Community Education and Engagement Award for HGC at NEXX Sustainability and ESG Awards 2024

About HGC Global Communications Limited

HGC Global Communications Limited (HGC) is a leading Hong Kong and international telecom operator and ICT solution provider. The company owns an extensive network and infrastructure in Hong Kong and overseas and provides various kinds of services. HGC has 20 global offices and staff presence in 31 cities worldwide. It provides telecom infrastructure service to other operators and serves as a service provider to corporate and households. The company provides full-fledged telecom, data centre services, ICT solutions and broadband services for local, overseas, corporate, SME and mass markets. HGC owns and operates an extensive fibre-optic network, five cross-border telecom routes integrated into tier-one telecom operators in mainland China and connects with hundreds of world-class international telecom operators. The company is committed to further investing and enriching its current infrastructure and, in parallel, adding on top the latest technologies and developing its infrastructure services and solutions. In 2019, HGC Group completed the acquisition of Macroview Telecom Limited (Macroview), a leading digital technology solution and managed services provider. The addition of Macroview further accelerates HGC Group's digital transformation path and positioning as a pioneering ICT and digital services leader. HGC is a portfolio company of I Squared Capital, an independent global infrastructure investment manager focusing on energy, utilities, transport, social infrastructure, digital infrastructure, and environmental infrastructure in North America, Europe, Latin America and Asia.

To learn more, please visit HGC's website at: www.hgc.com.hk

source: HGC Global Communications Limited (HGC)

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