
2024-12-27 13:07

From Poverty to Prosperity

BEIJING, Dec. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- A news report from China Report ASEAN:

"3,000 yuan per month," proclaimed Abdulaziz Mehmet, a Uygur worker at Dena Shoes Factory in Kargilik County of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Why is it noteworthy? Bangkok's minimum wage in 2024 is US$327.65, while Jakarta is US$332.92. Mehmet is earning significantly more than what he would get in either of the national capitals.

The Chinese government has prioritized rural revitalization to address poverty, improve living conditions, and foster economic development across the country's rural regions. In Xinjiang, the efforts are part of a broader campaign to promote stability, advance economic integration, and uplift local communities.

Xinjiang is known for its vast deserts, mountainous terrain, and diverse ethnic groups including the Uygur, Kazak, and Han. Despite its natural resources and strategic position as a gateway for China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the region has faced significant socio-economic challenges, particularly in rural areas.

Historically, Xinjiang's rural areas have struggled with underdevelopment, poverty, and limited access to education, healthcare, and infrastructure. The rural population, especially ethnic minorities, have found fewer opportunities for economic advancement compared to urban areas, which contributed to widening inequality and social tension.

More Job Opportunities

One of the central goals of the rural revitalization strategy is to lift rural residents out of poverty by providing them with stable job opportunities. In Xinjiang, this has been achieved through various means. To alleviate poverty in particularly remote and underdeveloped areas, the government has relocated some rural residents to more economically viable regions where they can access better services and job opportunities.

Aktas Town, under the jurisdiction of Kargilik County in Kashgar Prefecture, was established in 2020 as one potential solution. People who have experienced poverty found their living standards increase significantly after relocation. They were provided with houses, vocational training programs, and jobs.

The Chinese government has encouraged the development of local industries that align with Xinjiang's natural resources such as cotton production, fruit cultivation (melons, plums, and grapes), and livestock farming. These industries can create jobs for rural residents and improve their incomes.

"The factory is near my house, so going to work has become so convenient," said Mehmet. "And of course, I am well-paid. Thanks to the Party and government, I see good days ahead!" He and his wife both work, and their combined incomes are comparable to urban earnings despite continued residency in a small rural town.

Agrarian Prosperity

Agriculture remains a key industry in Xinjiang's rural economy. To ensure long-term growth and sustainability, the government has been focusing on modernizing agricultural techniques and improving efficiency. The government has invested in agricultural R&D to create a new farming environment to tackle Xinjiang's harsh climate conditions. This has helped farmers increase yields and improve food security. One program provides greenhouses for residents to rent and use to launch businesses.

 "We can produce 12 to 15 tons of tomatoes a year," said Orkesh Qurban. "My annual income now can reach 120,000 yuan (US$17,108) just from the two greenhouses that I rent. My life has taken a 180-degree turn from before." Before relocation, he used to farm and herd sheep. "Back then, my annual income was less than 10,000 yuan (US$1,425)." He is understandably ecstatic to be earning nearly ten times as much and providing more for his family.

Aynur Qurban, another resident of Aktas Town, took the opportunity to rent two greenhouses after working another job for four years. She believes in self-reliance as she seeks a better life. She has planted cucumbers in her greenhouses.

"I used to commute on time, and life was not so tiring," she said. "But now things are different. I go to work earlier and go home later. I work harder than before. However, I feel happier because now I am thriving by myself. Fighting for my own business is especially rewarding." She signed the rental contract in July but has not yet paid. She is allowed to pay after she harvests, probably by the end of the year.

How will she sell the cucumbers? Aynur doesn't worry about the sales and only focuses on optimally growing cucumbers. She distributes the cucumbers through the county's Yuye farmers' professional cooperative. Established in 2021, the cooperative works with over 100 household farms like Aynur's.

Pu Jinping, who Aynur calls "Shifu (boss)", manages the cooperative. He highlighted the integrated support model. "The cooperative provides full technical guidance, from procurement to sales," he said. "We encourage members to operate greenhouses, and then we sell their produce."

Some greenhouses are run collectively, while cooperative members like Aynur and Orkesh operate individually. In addition to logistics, the cooperative provides advice on crop varieties, pest and disease management, and operating methods. "Initially, farmers learn various methods under our guidance," Pu said. "Once they have accumulated experience, many will leave and contract greenhouses independently while maintaining contact with the cooperative for inputs and sales."

The cooperative collectively packages harvested vegetables and sells them in cities in Xinjiang such as Kashgar and Urumqi as well as in further-away cities such as Chengdu, Xi'an, Changsha, and Zhengzhou. "Growing crops is one thing, but selling them is another," mused Aynur. "If you can't sell them, they rot, and all your efforts are for nothing."

Infrastructure Enhancement

Improving infrastructure is also critical for rural revitalization in Xinjiang. This involves upgrading transportation networks by paving roads, laying rails, and building airports to better connect rural areas with major cities and markets. Additionally, rural areas are welcoming improvements in access to clean water, electricity, and digital infrastructure including broadband internet to facilitate modern agricultural practices and e-commerce.

Xinjiang's rural revitalization efforts must contend with serious environmental challenges including water scarcity, desertification, and soil degradation. To address these issues, the government has introduced several sustainability initiatives. One involves renewable energy projects. Xinjiang enjoys abundant solar and wind resources, which are being harnessed to promote clean energy solutions in rural areas. This not only addresses environmental concerns but also creates new economic opportunities for local communities.

Xinjiang's rural revitalization strategy also emphasizes the preservation of local cultures and the improvement of social services for ethnic minority groups. Key components include the promotion of cultural tourism. The region's rich cultural heritage including the traditions of the Uygur, Kazak, and other ethnic groups is being leveraged to promote tourism in rural areas. This has created new economic opportunities while preserving local customs and traditions.

The rural revitalization efforts in Xinjiang represent a significant investment in improving the lives of millions of rural residents. By addressing poverty, modernizing agriculture, and building infrastructure, the Chinese government aims to create a more stable and prosperous Xinjiang. However, the success of these initiatives depends not only on economic progress but also on how well they balance development with cultural and social considerations.

According to data from the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Kemendes-PDTT) of the Republic of Indonesia, at the end of 2023, a total of 7,154 villages in Indonesia were rated "backward," and 4,850 were dubbed "very backward." Countries like Indonesia can learn much from the success of Xinjiang's rural revitalization to fight poverty and improve the life quality of the people.

source: China Report ASEAN

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