
2024-11-18 18:31

Perennial Alzheimer's Care Village Xi'an Positioned as China's First and the World's Sixth Alzheimer's Care Village

Integrated Western and Eastern medicine, coupled with non-drug intervention therapies, sets international standards for Alzheimer's care in China

SINGAPORE, Nov. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Perennial Holdings Private Limited ("Perennial Holdings") is pleased that Perennial Alzheimer's Care Village ("PACV") in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, positioned as China's first and the world's sixth Alzheimer's care village, hosted a study tour for international delegates who were in the city to attend the 27th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of Alzheimer's Disease International and Annual Conference of Alzheimer's Disease Chinese (together, the "Conference"). Among the delegates were renowned scholars and experts from leading domestic and international medical and research institutions, non-governmental organisations and attendees from around the world.

Spanning over 43,000 square metres in total land area, PACV is an integrated care-focused development with 700 beds across its eldercare complex, nursing hospital and rehabilitation hospital. It also features an International Geriatric Health Management Research Institute, which launched Northwest China's first training base for Alzheimer's care.

PACV distinguishes itself from traditional Alzheimer's care facilities by creating a safe and supportive care and living environment, surrounded by nature and incorporating familiar amenities to encourage seniors to remain healthy, active and engaged.

Set against the backdrop of the renowned Zhouzhi Louguan Ecological Cultural Tourism Resort Zone, PACV residents on a stroll around the development can enjoy colourful flora and fauna in the gardens, swans by the lake, running water and chirping birds at the fountains, and fragrant aroma from the fruit trees. Spaces throughout the facility have been specifically designed to engage residents' five senses via sight, sound, touch, smell and taste.

Residents can live in normalcy by walking or boarding a bus to the clubhouse for their daily classes and activities. They can also shop at the supermarket, or spend time at the children's playground, outdoor exercise and gym area. The development's post office, flower shop, hair salon, and coffee or book shop, are designed to evoke nostalgia and comfort among residents.

PACV has also been equipped with state-of-the-art technology. Residents can safely explore the facility's grounds without wearing tracking devices as the entire compound is supported by a tracking and positioning system using binocular thermal imaging system.

PACV also prides itself on its resident-centred care integrating dementia care, rehabilitation care and nursing care. In addition to Western medicine, PACV has a strong emphasis on non-drug interventional programmes, such as multi-sensory therapy, music therapy, including the Swedish Bunne music method, virtual reality somatosensory trainings and touch therapy, including haptic therapy. Residents also benefit from exercise therapy, including Tai Chi, horticultural therapy, dance and movement therapy, aromatherapy, animal-assisted therapy, reminiscence therapy, and cognitive stimulation therapy to enhance cognitive function and slow down decline.

Unlike other Alzheimer's-centric facilities around the world, PACV, being in China, has the benefit of integrating Traditional Chinese Medicine ("TCM") as an added non-drug interventional therapy, including "Aromatic Three Needles," "classical formula-based prescriptions," and a combination of acupuncture and Chinese herbs, to provide holistic care for Alzheimer's residents.

Residents' health status are regularly evaluated by PACV's Alzheimer's multidisciplinary team of medical professionals and each senior is prescribed with a personalised and balanced nutrition plan developed by in-house nutritionists.

Mr. Jason Foo, Chief Executive Officer of Dementia Singapore and Member of the Advisory Board of the Conference, remarked after his visit, "The innovative model and professional care at PACV are really impressive and sets a new standard. It is a purpose-built community environment to ensure that the residents are well cared for, have many options in terms of activities and engagement, and are able to continue living a meaningful life. I was amazed by the amount of effort and research put into the design and concept of this dementia facility, including incorporating TCM therapy/treatment for its residents. I believe the role of TCM in dementia care is an area which many countries worldwide can learn from China. I am extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to visit PACV and I hope Perennial Holdings will share their knowledge and learnings from PACV with the rest of the world."

Professor Qu Qiumin, Executive Chair of the Conference, stated: "The successful implementation at PACV demonstrates China's innovation and progress in Alzheimer's care, offering valuable experiences and insights for global colleagues. Its operational model, services, and in particular, the integration of TCM and Western treatments, rehabilitation, and full-cycle care, set a new benchmark for improving the quality of life for Alzheimer's patients and slowing disease progression. We hope to see similar projects promoted globally to elevate Alzheimer's care standards."

Ms Tan Bee Lan, Chief Executive Officer, Healthcare, Perennial Holdings, said, "PACV has allowed us to integrate the best programmes and treatment plans from the East and West to elevate the standards of Alzheimer's care for residents in China. Our holistic care integrating dementia care, rehabilitation care and nursing care in an Alzheimer's care-focused development has secured PACV's position as the first-of-its-kind in China and the sixth-of-its kind in the world."

Ms Tan added, "Every Alzheimer resident is a unique individual who has contributed to their families, workplace and society. It is our responsibility to take the best care of them with compassion and professionalism, remembering always to uphold their dignity, freedom and safety. We will continue to work with reputable partners, researchers and institutions globally to uphold our commitment to deliver the best care for our residents."

Perennial Alzheimer's Care Village Xi'an - Hero
Perennial Alzheimer's Care Village Xi'an - Hero


Perennial Alzheimer's Care Village Xi'an - Environment
Perennial Alzheimer's Care Village Xi'an - Environment


Perennial Alzheimer's Care Village Xi'an - Multi-Sensory Therapy
Perennial Alzheimer's Care Village Xi'an - Multi-Sensory Therapy


Perennial Alzheimer's Care Village Xi'an - Music Therapy
Perennial Alzheimer's Care Village Xi'an - Music Therapy


Perennial Alzheimer's Care Village Xi'an - Virtual Reality Somatosensory Training
Perennial Alzheimer's Care Village Xi'an - Virtual Reality Somatosensory Training


Perennial Alzheimer's Care Village Xi'an - Cognitive Stimulation Therapy
Perennial Alzheimer's Care Village Xi'an - Cognitive Stimulation Therapy

For media enquiries, please contact:

Ms Tong Ka-Pin

Chief Corporate Officer

DID: (65) 6602 6828

HP : (65) 9862 2435

Email: tong.ka-pin@perenialholdings.com

 Ms Janet Chia

Senior Manager, Investor Relations,
Corporate Communications & Marketing

DID: (65) 6602 0324

HP : (65) 8159 4777

Email: janet.chia@perenialholdings.com

About Perennial Alzheimer's Care Village Xi'an (www.pacv.com.cn)

Perennial Alzheimer's Care Village Xi'an is China's first and the world's sixth dedicated Alzheimer's care village. Located in the renowned Zhouzhi Louguan Ecological Cultural Tourism Resort Zone, the project spans a total land area of 43,000 square metres.

Perennial Alzheimer's Care Village Xi'an offers comprehensive, personalised, and integrated care services for Alzheimer's disease. The integrated care-focused development comprises 700 beds across its eldercare complex, nursing hospital, and rehabilitation hospital. It also features an International Geriatric Health Management Research Institute, which launched Northwest China's first training base for Alzheimer's care. Perennial Alzheimer's Care Village Xi'an's integrated model of care also combines Western and Eastern medicine and diverse non-drug therapies to enhance and support residents' well-being.

Its lush natural environments and amenities throughout the facility have been thoughtfully designed to fully engage residents' five senses. Purpose-built lifestyle facilities such as a clubhouse, post-office, hair salon, shops, children's playground and exercise areas, enable residents to lead life with normalcy. The development is also equipped with state-of-the-art tracking and positioning systems, allowing residents to explore the grounds safely and independently.

By prioritising resident-centred care and empowering meaningful, healthy and active lifestyles, Perennial Alzheimer's Care Village Xi'an leads the way for Alzheimer's care and senior living in China.

About Perennial Holdings Private Limited (www.perennialholdings.com)

Perennial Holdings Private Limited ("Perennial Holdings") is an integrated real estate and healthcare company headquartered in Singapore. As a real estate owner, developer and manager, Perennial Holdings focuses strategically on large-scale transit-oriented developments ("TODs") and has a presence in China, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia with a portfolio spanning approximately 80 million square feet in total gross floor area. As a healthcare services owner, operator and manager, Perennial Holdings focuses on hospitals and medical centres, healthcare hubs, and eldercare and senior housing. In China, it has a presence across 13 cities with over 23,000 beds, comprising about 13,000 operational beds and over 10,000 beds in the pipeline. In Singapore, it will operate the country's first private assisted living development with over 300 beds. Perennial Holdings' network of healthcare facilities includes general, rehabilitation and specialist hospitals, as well as assisted living apartments, eldercare and nursing homes, and its integrated eldercare services comprise medical, nursing, rehabilitation, dementia and home care.

Perennial Holdings' portfolio in China comprises five High Speed Railway ("HSR") TODs which are situated adjacent to five of the country's largest HSR stations. These include healthcare-centric HSR TODs with eldercare, medical care and hospitality components, namely Chengdu East HSR Integrated Development, Perennial International Healthcare and Business City (Tianjin South HSR Station), Perennial International Healthcare and Business City (Kunming South HSR Station) and Perennial International Healthcare and Business City (Xi'an North HSR Station), as well as one commercial-centric HSR TOD, being Hangzhou West HSR Integrated Development. Another landmark commercial TOD includes Beijing Tongzhou Integrated Development.

In Singapore, Perennial Holdings' portfolio comprises iconic properties, such as The Skywaters, Golden Mile Complex, Capitol Singapore, CHIJMES, Perennial Business City and Caldecott Hill, located in the prime city and suburban districts near transportation hubs. It is also the developer and operator of Parry Assisted Living Care, a new housing-cum-care model development at Parry Avenue.

Issued by Perennial Holdings Private Limited (Company Registration: 200210338M)

source: Perennial Holdings Private Limited

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