
2024-10-18 14:00

DBS rolls out blockchain-powered banking for institutions with DBS Token Services, marks new milestone in financial services

  • DBS Token Services integrates blockchain-enabled capabilities with the bank's core transaction banking services to deliver new client experiences
  • Key solutions include Treasury Tokens, Conditional Payments and Programmable Rewards
  • DBS Token Services is the culmination of several industry pilots; marks next phase in the industrialisation of blockchain technology

SINGAPORE, Oct. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- DBS today announced the introduction of DBS Token Services – a new suite of banking services that integrate tokenisation and smart contract-enabled capabilities with its award-winning banking services. It aims to unlock new transaction banking capabilities and operating efficiencies for its institutional clients.

DBS Token Services unlocks instant, 24/7 real-time settlement of payments by integrating the bank's Ethereum Virtual Machine-compatible permissioned blockchain, its core payment engine and multiple industry payment infrastructures. In addition, smart contracts enable programmability for institutions to govern the use of funds according to predefined conditions, enhancing security and transparency. Using a permissioned blockchain provides DBS full control over these services, enabling the bank to harness the benefits of blockchain technology while adhering to compliance standards.

The culmination of several years of industry collaborations and experimentation in digital money innovations, the suite of solutions – Treasury Tokens, Conditional Payments, and Programmable Rewards – exemplifies how established financial institutions can leverage blockchain technology and smart contracts to deliver new client experiences.

Lim Soon Chong, Group Head of Global Transaction Services, DBS Bank, said: "To capture the massive shift of human and corporate activity to on-demand digital services, companies and public sector entities are reimagining their operating models and customer engagement strategies. A new generation of "always-on" banking services is essential to support this shift and transformation."

"By leveraging tokenisation and smart contract capabilities, DBS Token Services enables companies and public sector entities to optimise liquidity management, streamline operational workflows, strengthen business resilience, and unlock new opportunities for end-customer or end-user engagement. It marks a significant step forward in transaction banking and demonstrates how established financial institutions can leverage blockchain technology to deliver new ground-breaking features and experiences," he added.

Treasury Tokens: Solving for traditional treasury frictions

DBS recently launched Treasury Tokens, a next-generation treasury and liquidity management solution, in a pilot with Ant International. This solution currently supports ongoing intra-group transfers within Ant International.

Treasury Tokens empowers large corporations operating across multiple markets to settle multi-currency intra-group transactions instantly on a 24/7 basis, unconstrained by currency cut-off timings and non-banking hours associated with traditional banking systems.  Treasury Tokens provide corporate treasurers with greater visibility, predictability and control as they navigate the complexities of an increasingly real-time world.

Conditional Payments: Smarter payments and workflows

Building upon DBS' recent programmable grant disbursements pilot with Enterprise Singapore and Singapore Fintech Association, DBS will explore the further application of Conditional Payments, opening up new possibilities for smart contracts to improve payment workflows. The pilot demonstrated the ability to programme conditions governing the disbursement of funds, providing the agency with enhanced governance control over disbursements handled by its appointed intermediary.

Conditional Payments offer institutions the potential to redesign and automate overall payment workflows and can be extended to varying forms of intermediated payments and milestone-based payments. Institutions and their partners can expect to benefit from greater transparency, operating efficiencies and control in transactions.

Programmable Rewards: the future of digital rewards and vouchers

DBS will also be exploring the application of smart contracts for Programmable Rewards. The solution enables institutions to leverage on programmability to curate digital voucher programmes for their customers in a cost-effective manner.

As part of this exploration, DBS Hong Kong recently announced its participation in the second phase of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority's e-HKD Pilot Programme. DBS' pilot aims to examine the use of programmable rewards and a hypothetical e-HKD – a digital Hong Kong dollar – to enhance a consumer incentive programme on an Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reward platform. Participating corporates can create ESG campaigns and set redemption guidelines to foster a green corporate culture and promote participation. Users who complete green actions will receive new digital vouchers, which can be used to purchase green products and services at designated small and mediums-sized merchants.

DBS: Shaping the future of finance

Since 2016, DBS has been a driving force in several industry initiatives led by the Monetary Authority of Singapore to explore the potential of blockchain technology in enhancing Singapore's financial landscape. Key initiatives include Project Ubin[1], Project Orchid[2] and Project Guardian[3].

DBS Token Services continues to explore broader applications of blockchain-enabled solutions, including the tokenisation of securities and digitalisation of trade finance. These innovations reflect DBS' ongoing commitment to building a more robust and innovative banking landscape.

[1] Project Ubin is a multi-year multi-phase project, with each phase aimed at solving pressing challenges faced by the financial industry and the blockchain ecosystem. The project successfully concluded in 2020 after five phases and the publication of six project reports.

[2] Project Orchid is a multi-year multi-phase project led by the Monetary Authority of Singapore to develop the technology infrastructure and technical competencies necessary for a digital Singapore dollar. As part of Project Orchid, the Purpose Bound Money (PBM) protocol is developed to investigate the potential benefits of programmability in digital money. PBM is a protocol which specifies the conditions upon which funds can be disbursed when conditions are met.

[3] Project Guardian is a collaborative initiative between policymakers and the financial industry to enhance liquidity and efficiency of financial markets through asset tokenisation.

About DBS

DBS is a leading financial services group in Asia with a presence in 19 markets. Headquartered and listed in Singapore, DBS is in the three key Asian axes of growth: Greater China, Southeast Asia and South Asia. The bank's "AA-" and "Aa1" credit ratings are among the highest in the world.

Recognised for its global leadership, DBS has been named "World's Best Bank" by Global Finance, "World's Best Bank" by Euromoney and "Global Bank of the Year" by The Banker. The bank is at the forefront of leveraging digital technology to shape the future of banking, having been named "World's Best Digital Bank" by Euromoney and the world's "Most Innovative in Digital Banking" by The Banker. In addition, DBS has been accorded the "Safest Bank in Asia" award by Global Finance for 16 consecutive years from 2009 to 2024.

DBS provides a full range of services in consumer, SME and corporate banking. As a bank born and bred in Asia, DBS understands the intricacies of doing business in the region's most dynamic markets.

DBS is committed to building lasting relationships with customers, as it banks the Asian way. Through the DBS Foundation, the bank creates impact beyond banking by supporting businesses for impact: enterprises with a double bottom-line of profit and social and/or environmental impact. DBS Foundation also gives back to society in various ways, including equipping underserved communities with future-ready skills and helping them to build food resilience.

With its extensive network of operations in Asia and emphasis on engaging and empowering its staff, DBS presents exciting career opportunities. For more information, please visit www.dbs.com.

source: DBS BANK LTD

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