
2024-09-12 09:00

Tai O Heritage Hotel Presents Inaugural Tai O Night Boat Parade

Along Tai O's waters, tales unfold,
Where oars whisper and lights dance bold.

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HONG KONG, Sept. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Hong Kong's first UNESCO-awarded hotel, Tai O Heritage Hotel, is delighted to present the inaugural Tai O Night Boat Parade in collaboration with the Tai O Cultural Association to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day. The unique experiential event will be offered on weekends and public holidays* during the period of 15 September-13 October 2024, presenting festivities that pays homage to the rich tradition of Hong Kong's picturesque fishing village.

The man-powered sampan was the main means of transporting and commuting at Tai O in the old days. Participants will board traditional sampans and learn about the maritime traditions from the oarsmen. Through the Night Boat Parade, Tai O villagers can relive collective memories of the old days while participants can celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day with loved ones in a unique way.

Another highlight of the experiential event is Tai O's first riverside interactive multisensory experience, Impression of Tai O – Fisherman and Lantern. The captivating show will present the daily lives at Tai O through silhouettes and hand-tied lanterns, offering a glimpse into the cultural tapestry of the fishing village.

Interested participants can click here to register and experience the unique boat parade for free on a first-come, first-served basis. For more details, please click here to visit the dedicated page of the Tai O Cultural Association.

Tai O Heritage Hotel is also offering the 'Tai O Night Boat Parade Package' on 15, 18, 21 and 28 September 2024. The package entails one night of accommodation at the hotel, a dinner set for two, breakfast for two, a bespoke Mid-Autumn gift, and a Tai O Night Boat Parade session. This works particularly well for those looking for a memorable getaway to celebrate with loved ones amid the radiant glow of the lanterns illuminating the idyllic fishing village and the blissful ambience. Tai O Lookout also presents the 'Mid-Autumn Festival Afternoon Tea Set' from 14 to 18 September, while patrons of 'Taste of Tai O Tea Set' on 15, 18, 21, and 28 September are entitled to a Tai O Night Boat Parade session. For more information, please click here to visit the official website of Tai O Heritage Hotel.

'We are grateful for the opportunity to conserve Tai O community's rich history and architectural gem, and are thankful to the Tai O Cultural Association and Tai O community for the wonderful support on this meaningful initiative. The Tai O Night Boat Parade not only pays homage to the traditional wisdom and collective memories of Tai O villagers, but also helps the younger generations and guests create their own fond memories while savouring the charm of Tai O village at night,' remarks Mr Daryl Ng, Director, Hong Kong Heritage Conservation Foundation, which operates Tai O Heritage Hotel.

'Back in the days when sampans glided through our waters, each oar stroke carried stories of hard work and camaraderie. Those wooden boats are more than just vessels, they are actually bridges connecting us to our past, our livelihoods, and the soul of Tai O. The Tai O Night Boat Parade revives those memories, illuminating the essence of our village for all to cherish,' says Mr Stanley Wong, Executive Director of the Tai O Cultural Association.

Tai O Heritage Hotel, converted from the Old Tai O Police Station completed in 1902 and designated as a Grade II historic building, seeks to preserve the historical significance of the architectural gem. Operated as a not-for-profit social enterprise with surpluses used to support site maintenance, the hotel has been working closely with the community to promote eco-tourism since opening in March 2012. It has welcomed more than 2 million visitors from Hong Kong and overseas, and have participated in more than 100 festivities and community services.

* The event shall be offered on 15/9, 18/9, 21/9, 28/9, 1/10, 5/10, 12/10 and 13/10 only.

Tai O Heritage Hotel Presents Inaugural Tai O Night Boat Parade
Tai O Heritage Hotel Presents Inaugural Tai O Night Boat Parade


Tai O Heritage Hotel has joined hands with the Tai O Cultural Association to present the inaugural Tai O Night Boat Parade. Participants will board traditional sampans while learning about the maritime traditions from the oarsmen. Through the experiential event, participants could appreciate the collective memories of Tai O villagers celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day with loved ones in a unique way.
Tai O Heritage Hotel has joined hands with the Tai O Cultural Association to present the inaugural Tai O Night Boat Parade. Participants will board traditional sampans while learning about the maritime traditions from the oarsmen. Through the experiential event, participants could appreciate the collective memories of Tai O villagers celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day with loved ones in a unique way.

About the Hong Kong Heritage Conservation Foundation

Hong Kong Heritage Conservation Foundation Limited (HCF) is a not-for-profit organisation established by the Ng Family in March 2008. It identifies and showcases the heritage significance of historical projects. HCF holds the belief that conservation of cultural heritage helps the community to build a sense of identity and strengthen relationships in society. The primary objectives of HCF are to revitalise and conserve historic buildings, and to promote the appreciation and importance of cultural heritage to the community. Directors of HCF are enthusiastic supporters of community initiatives, and possess considerable experience in heritage buildings revitalisation projects. They have been actively involved in many heritage projects, including Tai O Heritage Hotel, The Fullerton Hotel Sydney, The Fullerton Hotel Singapore, The Fullerton Waterboat House, Clifford Pier, Customs House and Far East Square.


About Tai O Heritage Hotel

Tai O Heritage Hotel, located in Shek Tsai Po Street, Tai O and surrounded by lush greenery, has been transformed from the 122-year-old Old Tai O Police Station, built in 1902 and graded as a Grade II historic building by the Antiquities Advisory Board. The hotel is part of Batch I of Hong Kong SAR Government Development Bureau's Revitalising Historic Buildings through Partnership Scheme.  Opened in March 2012 and operated as a not-for-profit social enterprise, Tai O Heritage Hotel provides free guided tours daily for the general public and charitable organisations with the aim of heightening awareness of the conservation of historic buildings. It is home to nine elegantly decorated rooms, the Heritage Interpretation Centre and the glass-roofed open-view restaurant Tai O Lookout. The Hotel has won the Award of Merit at UNESCO 2013 Asia-Pacific Cultural Heritage Awards and has been voted as 'Asia's Leading Heritage Hotel 2016' in World Travel Awards™. It has welcomed more than 2 million visitors and guests since opening.



source: Hong Kong Heritage Conservation Foundation

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