
2024-08-13 16:00

ReThink HK 2024 puts sustainability at the forefront of Hong Kong's development


HONG KONG, Aug. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Eager to leave an even bigger mark on the sustainability landscape in Hong Kong, the fifth edition of ReThink Hong Kong anticipates 8,000+ delegate attendees, from 12-13 September 2024 at Hall 1, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Through their showcase of 250+ sustainable solutions and 120+ sessions across 8 themed theatres and stages, the unparalleled business ecosystem event fosters an environment of collaboration between leading industry experts, corporations, social enterprises, and non-profit organisations to collectively drive an equitable and climate-smart future for Hong Kong. 

Placing collaboration at the forefront of their high-value event model, ReThink HK not only catalyses cross-sectoral partnerships within the Hong Kong sustainability ecosystem, but simultaneously builds the event through extensive partnerships. Their multi-tiered partnership framework is playing an even larger role in this year's edition, in the founder's ambition in curating a visionary conference model across a dynamic content matrix structured by topic, industry and job function for corporates, enterprise businesses and SMEs.

"ReThink HK's event sponsors, supporting organisations, and content partners, are not only supporters, but co-creators of event sessions designed to inspire thousands of delegate attendees. The mission of reaching global net-zero emissions to protect and restore the balance of global ecosystems can only be achieved through collective action to build the foundation for a resilient and sustainable Hong Kong economy. As organisations are collectively recognising how sustainable development and business success are inextricably linked, we must join forces to grapple the challenges it brings." said Mr Chris Brown, Founder & CEO of ReThink HK. 

Rethink HK is proud to have secured extensive support from corporate partners and sponsors, all united by their shared vision for a cleaner, greener and more sustainable city, for all. This year's leading Headline Theatre and Programme Sponsors are BNP Paribas, HSBC, JLL, Lufthansa Group, MTR Corporation, RESET Carbon, Schneider Electric, and UNIFi3D.

Extended Partnership with Business Environment Council 

As the exclusive co-organiser, Business Environment Council ("BEC") will once again partner with ReThink HK to present a new vision for a circular and net-zero Hong Kong economy. "As we embark on our fourth consecutive year of collaboration with ReThink HK, we remain steadfast in our commitment to drive transformative change in both the business sector and the wider community. By joining forces, we have successfully amplified the impact of ReThink HK to foster a revolutionary movement empowering businesses to embrace environmental and social responsibilities." said Mr Simon Ng, Chief Executive Officer of BEC. 

This year, BEC will gather members to showcase a range of products, services and solutions at the BEC Pavilion and foster meaningful exchanges between industry stakeholders. The 2-day BEC Business Transformation Theatre will also take place along with six other content-themed Theatres at the expo, converging more than 60 business leaders and expert sustainability practitioners to discuss a framework for embracing circularity for sustainable living, rethinking how communities function in Hong Kong, and rethinking how SMEs approach sustainability.

Strong Sustainable Solution Exhibitors Line-up 

To allow attendees to apply key learnings from panel discussions in their respective organizations, ReThink HK presents 250+ companies' sustainable solutions. From newly established sustainable start-ups to Hong Kong's largest corporations, the expo strives to offer a diverse showcase of sustainable products, services, and solutions. The event will bring together a range of transformative solutions including integrated waste systems, energy-efficient solutions, revolutionary climate tech, sustainability consulting platforms, and more. Across the event you'll find curated displays brought to you in collaboration with leading organisations, including the European Pavilion, Canadian Pavilion, BEC Pavilion, FSES (Fullness Social Enterprises Society) Pavilion and Cyberport Pavilion will make their first appearance at ReThink HK.

Tackling the massive shift towards sustainable mobility and transportation, ReThink HK 2024 will also launch its Smart Mobility and Transportation Sector, with supports from strategic partners, eMobility Network and HK E-Vehicles Business General Association, showcasing low-carbon fuel solutions, sustainable infrastructure & vehicles for aviation, and net-zero marine & road transportation.

Unparalleled Access to Expert Insights

Comprising eight theatres and stages, a series of deep-dive workshops, and stimulating roundtable discussion, the conference will bring together over 500 experts to shape the sustainability discourse across 120+ sessions. The theatres and stages represent the prevalent facets of sustainable development, including the Net Zero & Nature Positive Theatre (Keynote), BEC Business Transformation Theatre, Sustainable Buildings & Facilities Theatre, People & Purpose Theatre, Liveable Cities & Transportation Theatre, Sustainable Finance & Supply Chains Theatre, along with the European Stage and Change Makers Stage. Striving to facilitate open dialogue and knowledge sharing, a series of Roundtable Workshops have been introduced, rethinking talent development, artificial intelligence, food systems, diversity and inclusion, marketing and communications, and Hong Kong streets.

The conference will kick off with the opening programme "Sustainable Horizons: Hong Kong's Progress on the Road to Net Zero", and a Keynote address by Mr Tse Chin-wan, BBS, JP, Secretary for Environment and Ecology. Other featured speakers include Mr Siddarth Chatterjee, United Nations Resident Coordinator in China; Ms Shuyi Li, Principal, RMI China; Ms Valerie Kwan, Director of Stewardship and Corporate Engagement, Asia Investor Group on Climate Change; Mr Bing Leng, ISSB Member, IFRS Foundation, amongst many others. Business leaders, sustainability practitioners, researchers and change makers will delve deep into the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities of sustainability to empower attendees with the knowledge, tools, and connections needed to drive change within their organisations and industries.

Carbon Offsetting in Action

ReThink HK is dedicated to mitigating the carbon footprint of the event, upholding its commitment to environmental sustainability. Partnering with Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden, ReThink HK is working to advance the carbon offsetting "Wood Recycling Programme". The project strives to recycle wood debris generated from routine tree works through investing in a biochar machine, which converts bulky, rotten or diseased wood into valuable biochar, a soil amendment that benefits the soil and plant growth.

For more details, please visit: https://www.kfbg.org/en/caring-for-our-hillside/working-the-ground/wood-recycling-programme.

About ReThink HK

ReThink HK is a unique annual event that helps organisations align sustainable business practices at every stage of their value chain, showcases innovation and solutions accelerating sustainable transformation. ReThink unites the ecosystem so all stakeholders and communities can contribute to and look forward to a climate-smart and equitable city, for everyone. All delegate fees contribute to funding local impact projects with Hong Kong charities.

For ReThink HK 2024 Event Programme, please visit: https://rethink-event.com/conference/ 

For more event information, please visit ReThink HK's website: https://rethink-event.com/

For enquiries, please contact:

Ms Maggie Tse 

Event Director 


Ms Jessica Chan 

Head of Marketing & Partnerships 


About ReThink Foundation 

The ReThink Foundation serves as a platform for rethinking how Hong Kong's NGOs can harness partnerships to maximize collective social impact. Through their leading initiative, the ReThink NGOs Program, the foundation empowers NGOs to leverage strategic partnerships, offering a funding and fellowship programme for chosen highly-impactful partnership-focused NGO projects. All proceeds generated from the ReThink HK 2024 delegate pass sales will contribute to support and fund the ReThink NGOs Program. From their flagship event, ReThink HK, to the foundation's ReThink NGOs program, the ethos of collaboration lies in the heart of all initiatives. 

For more details, please visit ReThink Foundation's website https://rethink-foundation.org/.

source: ReThink HK

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