Media OutReach Newswire

2024-12-20 10:15

Jockey Club Multiple Pathways Initiative - CLAP-TECH Pathway Reveals Latest Talent Survey Results in Information and Communications Technology and Creative Media Industries

Employers in the ICT and Creative Media Industries Place Greater Emphasis on Soft Skills; Growing Recognition for Higher Diploma Graduates’ Competencies

HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach Newswire - 20 December 2024 - Led by Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) and funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Jockey Club Multiple Pathways Initiative – CLAP-TECH Pathway (CLAP-TECH) has conducted its second annual survey, exploring the talent demands of the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and Creative Media industries. The survey delved into aspects including starting salaries, hiring process duration, in-demand positions and overall talent supply. It aims to provide insights into employer expectations regarding the skills of fresh graduates with higher diplomas or university degrees, while providing valuable reference for students and industries.

Andrew Ho, Director of Jockey Club Multiple Pathways Initiative - CLAP-TECH Centre, (left) and Patrick Tam, Principal Advisor at 3 Screens Strategic Advisors Limited (right), an industry partner of Jockey Club Multiple Pathways Initiative - CLAP-TECH Pathway, discussed CLAP-TECH’s survey findings and their implications.
Andrew Ho, Director of Jockey Club Multiple Pathways Initiative - CLAP-TECH Centre, (left) and Patrick Tam, Principal Advisor at 3 Screens Strategic Advisors Limited (right), an industry partner of Jockey Club Multiple Pathways Initiative - CLAP-TECH Pathway, discussed CLAP-TECH’s survey findings and their implications.

This year’s survey results indicate a growing recognition among employers in both industries of the capabilities of higher diploma graduates. In the age of artificial intelligence, employers are placing greater emphasis on soft skills and acknowledging the role of Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPET) in cultivating talent with market-relevant expertise.

Starting salaries for higher diploma and university degree fresh graduates remain between HKD 17,000 and HKD 23,000
Employers’ recognition of higher diploma graduates improves compared to last year

According to the survey, approximately 60% of employers believed that higher diploma graduates possess soft and hard skills comparable to, or even stronger than, those of university degree graduates. Employers’ recognition of the soft and hard skills of higher diploma graduates has increased by 8.8 and 17.1 percentage points respectively, compared to last year.

This growing acknowledgment is evident in graduates’ starting salaries. In the Creative Media industry, most higher diploma graduates (77.2%) and university degree fresh graduates (66.8%) receive a starting salary of HKD 17,000 to HKD 23,000. Notably, the proportion of higher diploma graduates with starting salaries between HKD 20,000 and HKD 23,000 has risen by 9.7 percentage points compared to last year. In the ICT industry, the majority of higher diploma graduates (68%) fit within the HKD 17,000 to HKD 23,000 starting salary range, mirroring last year’s findings (64.7%), while over half (56.4%) of university degree fresh graduates are in the same salary bracket this year.

Regarding hiring process duration and salary increments, employers in the ICT and Creative Media sectors reported an average time of nearly three months to fill suitable vacancies, with 8.8% of ICT employers indicating that some positions may take more than six months to fill. Some 70% of responding employers expect salary increments for higher diploma and university degree fresh graduates in 2025 to be between 2% and 5.9%, aligning with market expectations.

Andrew Ho, Director of the Jockey Club Multiple Pathways Initiative - CLAP-TECH Centre, said: "We are pleased to see a significant annual increase in employers' recognition of higher diploma graduates' soft and hard skills. Starting salaries for higher diploma graduates have also increased this year, particularly in the Creative Media sector. This reflects a growing market demand for quality graduate talent and demonstrates that higher diploma graduates with the right skills and qualifications are becoming increasingly competitive in the job market.”

Academic achievements are a lesser priority, with soft skills gaining greater competitiveness in the age of AI

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to reshape education and the workplace, the survey revealed that over half (54.6%) of the surveyed employers have fully or partially integrated advanced technologies like AI and generative AI into their daily operations, while over one-third (37.4%) are considering such integration. However, as businesses increasingly adopt these technologies, employers prioritise soft skills such as "curiosity and lifelong learning", "analytical thinking", and "resilience, flexibility, and agility". These skills are deemed more important than the knowledge and skills of AI and big data, which ranks fifth in importance in the next five to ten years.

During job interviews, employers have shifted their focus from candidates' internships or practical experience to demonstrating soft skills such as communication (81.7%), problem-solving abilities (81.5%) and leadership potential (57.1%). Remarkably, the proportion of employers in the ICT and creative media sectors who value leadership potential surged, nearly doubling and increasing by over 1.7 times respectively compared to the previous year. More than 24.2% of employers in the ICT industry and 17.2% in the Creative Media industry believe that current candidates lack these skills, while academic performance and credentials are considered a lesser priority.

Employers in the Creative Media industry indicate that in the next five to ten years, talent will need to acquire “creative thinking” and "technological literacy" along with skills related to "artificial intelligence and big data". Patrick Tam, Principal Advisor at 3 Screens Strategic Advisors Limited, an industry partner of the Jockey Club Multiple Pathways Initiative - CLAP-TECH Pathway, stated: “In today’s fast-evolving digital landscape, employers are increasingly in need of team members who possess a balanced blend of soft and hard skills. While proficiency in industry-specific skills is crucial, we also value employees who exhibit a strong sense of curiosity and a commitment to lifelong learning. As artificial intelligence becomes more prevalent in our daily workflow, it is imperative that our workforce applies their analytical skills, problem-solving abilities, and judgement to ensure the responsible implementation of AI technologies. The qualities of resilience, flexibility and agility will render employees indispensable in today’s dynamic work environment.”

Andrew Ho, Director of the Jockey Club Multiple Pathways Initiative - CLAP-TECH Centre, said: “To ensure that the CLAP-TECH curriculum aligns with industry needs, we engaged with industry partners early on to gain insights into emerging career trends and the essential role of both soft and hard skills. Through a tripartite partnership among HKBU, industry partners and secondary schools, we are dedicated to nurturing talents equipped with the skills necessary for the future workforce. The findings of this survey validate our vision: industry participation is key for talent development, and the significance of soft skills must not be overlooked in today’s rapidly evolving technology landscape."

Over 90% of employers agree that vocational education produces more graduates with in-demand skills

The HKSAR Government rebranded vocational education and training in Hong Kong as Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPET) in 2016, establishing a diverse range of teaching models and pathways for further education. The survey shows that over 90% of respondents believe VPET helps enhance the soft and hard skills, work attitudes and daily competencies of higher diploma graduates, thereby enriching the talent pool. Some 30% of the respondents stated that VPET can "significantly improve" practical skills.

Andrew Ho, Director of the Jockey Club Multiple Pathways Initiative - CLAP-TECH Centre, said: “Our survey results indicate a greater awareness among respondents regarding initiatives such as Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS), Industrial Attachment, and Career and Life Planning Grant. However, there remains a general lack of understanding regarding VPET. This highlights the need for the government to enhance VPET and its promotion to both employers and the public, emphasising its critical role in talent development and skills enhancement. This commitment will empower every talented young individual to chart their career paths, fully leverage their strengths and meet the future demands for various professional skills."

Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Jockey Club Multiple Pathways Initiative – CLAP-TECH Pathway (CLAP-TECH) commissioned a market research company to conduct its second annual online survey in October this year, interviewing a total of 500 local employers who had been involved in the recruitment process in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and/ or Creative Media industries in the past 12 months. Over 60% of the respondents frequently hire employees (every few months or multiple times per month) and have final decision-making authority or influence in the recruitment process.

Hashtag: #claptechpathway


Jockey Club Multiple Pathways Initiative – CLAP-TECH Pathway

Launched in 2020 and funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Jockey Club Multiple Pathways Initiative – CLAP-TECH Pathway (CLAP-TECH) is Hong Kong's first through-train Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPET) pathway in mainstream senior secondary and post-secondary education. CLAP-TECH is a tripartite partnership among Hong Kong Baptist University, industry partners, and secondary schools. It currently consists of two Applied Learning Courses (i.e. Tech Basics and Multimedia Storytelling) and Higher Diplomas in Data Science and Art Tech Design. The programme equips students with technical and soft skills for the future workforce by incorporating career and life development in the curriculum. Since its establishment, over 40 industry partners have been involved in the programme, guiding and inspiring over 1,000 students from 100 secondary schools. For more details, please visit:

source: Jockey Club Multiple Pathways Initiative – CLAP-TECH Pathway

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