Media OutReach Newswire

2024-12-18 10:30

Easy Zero Carbon Living by behavioural change in Clothing, Food, Housing, and Transport - Environment and Conservation Fund Carbon Neutrality Campaign Competitions Awards Presentation Ceremony

Over 13,000 Participants Engaged in Diverse Empowering Educational Activities and Competitions - New Carbon Neutral Living Culture Emerges in Hong Kong

HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach Newswire - 18 December 2024 - The Environment and Conservation Fund Carbon Neutrality Campaign organized by the Hong Kong Women Professionals & Entrepreneurs Association (HKWPEA) held its Awards Presentation Ceremony this afternoon at the HKPC Building, with Mr. Wong Chuen-fai, JP, Commissioner for Climate Change, and Dr. Cheng Kam-chung, SBS, MH, OStJ, JP, Chairman of the Environment and Conservation Fund Committee as officiating guests. Close to 300 participants and guests joined and celebrated with the award winners.

The Environment and Conservation Fund Carbon Neutrality Campaign Competition Award Presentation Ceremony recognise magnificent crowd of carbon reduction winners.
The Environment and Conservation Fund Carbon Neutrality Campaign Competition Award Presentation Ceremony recognise magnificent crowd of carbon reduction winners.

Ms. Julianne Doe, President of the Hong Kong Women Professionals & Entrepreneurs Association (HKWPEA), stated, "The year-long Carbon Neutrality Campaign successfully attracted over 13,000 people registering to participate, which is truly encouraging. This reflects our society's strong support and active engagement in environmental initiatives, confirming that Hong Kong's sustainability culture is already in place. The competitions participants collectively reduced a total of 150 tonnes of carbon, equivalent to the amount of CO2 absorbed by over 6,500 trees in one year. If expanded to the entire population of Hong Kong, this saving ratio could lead to over 84,000 tonnes of carbon reduction annually." Ms. Doe urged fellow Hong Kong people to continue to protect the environment and work in concert towards carbon neutrality.

Mr. Wong Chuen-fai, Commissioner for Climate Change said, "Hong Kong is striving to achieve carbon neutrality before 2050, through measures on net-zero electricity generation, energy saving and green buildings, green transport and waste reduction. This Carbon Neutrality Campaign supported by the Environment and Conservation Fund serves as a pivotal force in mobilizing community engagement across different sectors, enhancing public awareness and participation, and driving behavioural change towards the carbon neutrality goals of the city."

Mr. Leung Wing-mo, Ambassador of the Carbon Neutrality Campaign, remarked, "Becoming a 'Zero Carbon Champion' as the ambassador of the Campaign enables me to convey the critical message of carbon neutrality to friends across all ages and sectors. I am deeply touched by the efforts of every participant. Let us expand and sustain together the vision of zero carbon living—for ourselves, our future generations, and our only home, the Earth."

Artist Candice Yu and Candy Lo were invited to present awards on the occasion. Previously, alongside Leung Wing Mo, Campaign ambassador "Zero Carbon Champion", the former Assistant Director of the Hong Kong Observatory, they filmed clips in an online video series to share carbon reduction tips in an easy-to-understand manner. "Gourmet Carbon Reduction" expert Candice Yu stated that choosing local, organic, and seasonal ingredients in daily meals can reduce transportation and carbon emissions, while properly planning food portions helps avoid waste. Candy Lo's "Eco-Friendly Living" tips, on the other hand, include selecting energy-efficient and environmentally friendly home appliances, minimizing household waste, reducing waste at source, and supporting clean recycling.

The Carbon Neutrality Campaign Competition attracted over 13,000 people who registered to participate and achieved an impressive reduction of 150 tonnes of carbon among qualified contestants. Top-performing teams were honored at the ceremony with practical and meaningful prizes, including carbon credits, local hotel stays, and theme park tickets. In addition, special awards were presented to property management companies and schools to recognise their efforts in driving carbon reduction among tenants, building occupiers and students.

Winners of the grand prize, titled "Carbon Reduction Champion", not only achieved significant carbon reduction but also provided creative low-carbon living tips across clothing, food, housing, and transport such as:

Clothing: Consider the necessity for new purchases before buying or upcycle materials like fabric from broken umbrellas into reusable handbags.

Food: Bring your own containers for takeout, support local agricultural products, or even grow your own food.

Housing: Create eco-friendly cleaning agents, use bamboo mats, or enhance natural ventilation by opening windows to reduce reliance on air conditioning.

Transport: Walk or cycle more to minimize car usage and promote sustainable travel habits.

Let's embrace zero carbon in clothing, food, housing, and transport.

Hashtag: #EasyZeroCarbonLiving


About the Environment and Conservation Fund Carbon Neutral Campaign

The Environment and Conservation Fund Carbon Neutral Campaign is a comprehensive effort aimed at promoting carbon neutrality across various sectors. Our campaign seeks to raise public awareness and encourage community involvement in carbon neutrality, with the ultimate goal of fostering persistent behavioral changes. To achieve this, we provide guidance and resources for individuals and organizations to implement sustainable practices and reduce their carbon emissions. Additionally, we strive to foster a culture of sustainability and inspire collective action towards carbon neutrality. Through this campaign, we hope to build a more sustainable future and contribute to the global effort to mitigate climate change.

During the 10-month contest period, eight major seminars, three experiential activities, and multiple lectures for schools and businesses were held, attracting over 4,000 participants. The seminars invited experts from various fields to share knowledge on climate change and carbon neutrality, while the experiential activities allowed participants to learn how easy it is to practice a low-carbon lifestyle. Additionally, the Carbon Neutrality Campaign launched an eight-episode series hosted by Ambassador Leung Wing-mo, featuring many celebrities recording "One Minute Low Carbon Tips".

For more information about the campaign, please visit: .

About The Hong Kong Women Professionals and Entrepreneurs Association

The Hong Kong Women Professionals and Entrepreneurs Association (HKWPEA) was established as a non-profit organisation in September 1996 by a group of local women professionals and entrepreneurs. The association aims to develop and inspire leadership skills in young women; to provide support for women professionals and executives in achieving their full career potential; to promote the well-being and healthy aging of women; and to liaise with the HKSAR government to formulate policies for achieving these goals. For more information, please visit

source: Hong Kong Women Professionals and Entrepreneurs Association (HKWPEA)

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