Media OutReach Newswire

2024-11-12 14:20

SUNeVision, Green Valley Landfill and CLP Power Announce the Launch of Renewable Energy Solution in Hong Kong

Purchase of CLP Power’s Renewable Energy Certificates Exclusively Linked to GVL’s Solar Farm

HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach Newswire - 12 November 2024 - SUNeVision Holdings Ltd. ("SUNeVision"; SEHK: 1686), the largest data centre provider in Hong Kong and the technology arm of Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd. ("SHKP"; SEHK: 0016), in strategic partnership with Green Valley Landfill Limited (GVL) and CLP Power Hong Kong Limited (CLP Power), Hong Kong's major power utility, jointly announced the launch of the renewable energy solution in Hong Kong. This collaboration underscores the companies' united commitment to delivering a green solution and promoting sustainable business development to mitigate environmental impact and foster a greener digital economy, in support of the HKSAR Government's Climate Action Plan 2050.

Ms Helen Lo (left), Director of Commercial at SUNeVision, receives a site-specific CLP Renewable Energy Certificate representing the environmental attributes generated by the solar farm, presented by Ms Lena Low (right), Senior Director of Customer Success and Experience at CLP Power, and Mr Carl Lai, Project Manager of GVL.
Ms Helen Lo (left), Director of Commercial at SUNeVision, receives a site-specific CLP Renewable Energy Certificate representing the environmental attributes generated by the solar farm, presented by Ms Lena Low (right), Senior Director of Customer Success and Experience at CLP Power, and Mr Carl Lai, Project Manager of GVL.

SUNeVision has inked a 6-year agreement with CLP Power to purchase the site-specific CLP Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). Each unit of electricity in a REC represents the environmental attributes generated by the solar farm operated by GVL. The environmental attributes will be linked to a portion of the energy consumption of SUNeVision's data centre campus. GVL's solar farm is located at the South East New Territories (SENT) Landfill in Tseung Kwan O. The project is planned to commence in the first half of 2025. The solar farm is estimated to generate 1,200,000 kWh of renewable electricity annually. This will result in a reduction of around 468 tonnes of carbon emissions a year, equivalent to the CO2 absorption of about 20,000 trees.

The green initiative further solidifies SUNeVision's dedication to offering sustainable solutions that meet the urgent demand for green and scalable data centres, fuelled by the surging adoption of digitalisation and AI technologies. SUNeVision's data centres, from the well-established MEGA-i to the latest editions MEGA IDC and MEGA Gateway, are all built with high environmental standards that feature energy-efficient and high-capacity operations. As a proponent of sustainable business, SUNeVision has been actively pursuing quality green power and implementing eco-friendly practices across its facilities to reduce carbon footprint. This includes utilising renewable energy through the purchase of CLP RECs and installation of solar panels, as well as applying iPaint radiative cooling paint on the generator containers.

Ms Helen Lo, Director of Commercial at SUNeVision said, "At SUNeVision, we embrace the sustainability ethos of our parent company Sun Hung Kai Properties. We are proud to announce the launch of the pioneering renewable energy solution. The collaboration with CLP Power and GVL, a joint venture of SHKP, Veolia and CITIC Pacific, is a testament to our shared values in advancing sustainable development. The new initiative marks a significant milestone in our journey towards utilising 100% clean energy by the year 2050. We will continue to innovate and lead the way towards a sustainable future, striving to promote a low-carbon society and supporting Hong Kong in achieving net-zero emissions."

Ms Lena Low, Senior Director of Customer Success and Experience at CLP Power
said, "CLP Power is committed to promoting the development of local renewable energy. Purchasing CLP RECs is one of the effective ways for business customers to reduce carbon emissions. The programme has been well-received by our customers since its launch. As of end-June 2024, around 320 GWh were sold through CLP RECs, equivalent to a reduction of about 125,000 tonnes[1] of carbon emissions. We are pleased to provide SUNeVision with the site-specific CLP RECs, helping them achieve their goal of operating with clean energy. CLP Power will continue to collaborate with the business sector to help them implement low-carbon operations and jointly support the HKSAR Government's carbon reduction goals."

Mr Carl Lai, Project Manager at GVL stated, "With the invaluable support and collaboration of the authorities, our partners, and our local engineering team, we are confident in the successful implementation of this project. We are excited about the potential of renewable energy to provide the local community with a sustainable and reliable supply of solar energy. At GVL, we see waste as a resource and view landfills as potential power plants. Our dedicated team is prepared to tackle challenges such as the landfill's slope stability, wind loads, the landfill liner, and the landfill gas systems. We are committed to providing various low-carbon energy solutions to support the city's transition to a low-carbon future."

[1] Calculation based on the carbon intensity of the electricity sold by CLP Power in Hong Kong from 2019 to

Hashtag: #SUNeVision #GreenValleyLandfill #CLPPower


About SUNeVision

SUNeVision (SEHK: 1686), the technology arm of Sun Hung Kai Properties (SEHK: 0016), is the largest data centre provider in Hong Kong. We provide industry-leading carrier and cloud-neutral data centre services with Asia's number one connectivity. We connect providers of telecommunications, cloud, ISP, CDN, OTT from local, mainland China and global with enterprises of different businesses on our Asia leading data centre ecosystem.

SUNeVision forms MEGA Campus by extending the connectivity edge from highly connected MEGA-i to other high-tier data centres, including MEGA Gateway, MEGA IDC, MEGA Plus and MEGA Two. Facilities on MEGA Campus are interconnected through a dedicated dark fibre network and around 15,000 cross-connects. Together with City PoPs of major submarine cables in our facilities, we enable our customers for direct connections to multi-cloud platforms and multi-cloud exchanges with the best connectivity in town. The addition of cable landing stations HKIS-1 and HKIS-2 to our data centre portfolio will provide a one-stop-solution to cable owners and users, strengthening our position as the leading connectivity hub in Asia. We are committed to supporting Hong Kong as a regional information hub and a strategic gateway to mainland China.

About Green Valley Landfill

Green Valley Landfill, a joint venture between Veolia, Sun Hung Kai Properties and CITIC Pacific, operates as a contractor for Hong Kong's Environmental Protection Department. GVL has managed the South East New Territories (SENT) Landfill and its extension, responsible for design, construction and operation with a 30 years' aftercare period. The company employs advanced technologies to minimize environmental impact and innovatively converts landfill gas into electricity, fuel and synthetic natural gas for both on-site use and integration with the local gas network.

About CLP Power Hong Kong Limited

CLP Power Hong Kong Limited (CLP Power) is the Hong Kong utility subsidiary wholly owned by CLP Holdings Limited, a company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and one of the largest investor-owned power businesses in Asia. CLP Power operates a vertically integrated electricity supply business in Hong Kong, and provides a highly reliable supply of electricity and excellent customer services to more than six million people in its supply area.

source: SUNeVision

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