Media OutReach Newswire

2024-09-25 10:00

Emaan Catalyst Community Secures Funding to Empower Youth in Expeditions Across Asia

Partnership with Youth Corps Singapore expands service-learning expeditions to more underserved communities in Asia, creating a new wave of youth leaders and deepening social impact.

SINGAPORE - Media OutReach Newswire - 25 September 2024 - Emaan Catalyst Community Ltd (ECC), a Singapore-based foundation, is making a transformative impact by expanding its overseas service-learning (SL) program, aimed at empowering Singaporean youth and supporting underserved communities. This expansion is fueled by a strategic funding model made possible with Youth Corps Singapore (YCS) a division of the National Youth Council (NYC) under the Youth Expedition Project (YEP) Programme Funding grant. This support opens the door for more Singaporean youth, community groups, and corporate teams aged 15 to 35 to embark on transformative service-learning expeditions across ASEAN, China, and India.

2. These youth expeditions will receive partial grant support and are designed to nurture leadership, build resilience, and promote sustainable development, significantly expanding ECC's reach and deepening its impact on underserved communities in the region. This strategic model strengthens ECC's commitment to developing socially conscious youth leaders, providing them with the resources to bring about sustainable change in the communities they serve.

A Decade of Impactful Service Learning

3. For nearly a decade, ECC has led impactful SL overseas trips, engaging over 2,000 volunteers from schools, Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs), and corporations. These initiatives have improved the lives of over 100,000 people in Southeast Asia, particularly in Cambodia, Indonesia, and Vietnam.

4. With the support from YCS for the period of April 2024 to March 2025, ECC will expand its service-learning experiences to more countries, including China, India, the Philippines, Thailand, and Malaysia. These immersive expeditions of minimally 10 days focus on making tangible social contributions, such as providing access to education and introducing new skills such as STEM education to school children, building infrastructure to support sustainable goals such as clean water systems, providing food aid, and working alongside the community on biodiversity projects for self-sufficiency.

5. This is in line with the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly in the areas of poverty reduction (SDG 1), zero hunger (SGD 2), quality education (SDG 4), clean water and sanitation (SDG 6) and climate action (SDG 13). Through this service-learning experience, participants apply their skills in real-world settings and develop resilience and leadership qualities focused on sustainability and related areas. The longer duration is structured to provide an immersive experience, to allow for deeper reflections, and valuable insights to make a lasting difference.

"A Lifeline for Communities, A Launchpad for Youth"

6. "This funding is more than just a financial boost but a lifeline for communities and a launchpad for our youth to act as changemakers," said Mr. Hafiz Othman, Director of Emaan Catalyst Community Ltd. "We want every participant to return home not just with priceless memories, but with the mindset and skills to become global leaders in service and sustainability." Having already left a positive mark in Cambodia, Indonesia, and Vietnam, ECC is excited to extend its opportunities to other parts of Asia under the YEP. Mr Hafiz added, "These expeditions are at the heart of ECC's mission to empower youth through meaningful service and cross-cultural exchange. We aim to nurture more culturally aware changemakers who return to their communities equipped with the insights, skills, and confidence to lead and inspire."

Nurturing a New Generation of Leaders

7. Mr Ong Kah Kuang, Executive Director, Youth Corps Singapore, echoed this sentiment: "We are happy to support Emaan Catalyst in their mission to empower communities through service-learning. This partnership will help develop Asia-ready youths who are socially and culturally aware, and also equip them with critical skills and confidence to execute impactful service projects in the region."

Real Stories, Real Impact

8. Participants of ECC's service learning expeditions have shared valuable experiences. Ms Syasya Nadya Umairah, an NUS graduate and currently a nursing professional in the health industry,, reflected on her journey: "Being part of the ECC service-learning programme showed me how such collaborative projects can lead to real positive change in communities. From redecorating playgrounds to teaching local children, every action was deeply appreciated by the local community and developed a strong kinship between us. I highly encourage students to join these once-in-a-lifetime self-development opportunities while making a tangible difference in the lives of others."

9. ECC invites schools, IHLs, MMOs, youth organisations, and corporate entities to participate in these life-changing expeditions. The closing datve for all applications is 31 January 2025. For more information on ECC initiatives and how to participate in the YEP, visit our website at or contact Mr Suhaimi at 9850 1415 or email

Annex A

Strories from Past ECC-YEP Participants

Profile 1 - From Cambodian Waters to a Lifelong Commitment to Care

The sight of families living on boats in the village of Batom Sakor, Cambodia, left a lasting impression on 23-year-old Syasya Nadia Umairah Binte Suhirwan. As a student participant in Project ASA Ignite, a Youth Expedition Project (YEP) under the grant partnership of ECC and Youth Corps Singapore in June 2023, Syasya witnessed a world vastly different from her own. "Seeing families—especially young children—spending their lives on boats because they couldn't afford homes was deeply moving," she reflects. "But what struck me most was their resilience. Despite their hardships, they always smiled." It was here, among these boat-dwelling families, that Syasya's passion for caring for others transformed from a simple desire into a lifelong commitment.

Her journey to Cambodia wasn't just about exploring a new culture. For Syasya, it was a learning experience that echoed her personal drive to help others—a passion that would later shape her path in healthcare. During her service-learning work at Azizah Sapari Branch in Koh Khong, Syasya and her team conducted English literacy classes, built terrariums, and hosted a Sports Day for local students from the water village. "The students were so eager to learn; they would run down the walkway just to greet us," she recalls. "Their joy and kindness amazed me. It was incredible to see how happy they were to learn, despite their challenging circumstances."

In addition to these activities, Syasya had the unique opportunity to participate in the Qurban and meat distribution at Emaan International School. Alongside her team, she helped distribute meat to local villagers, further deepening her connection with the community. "Being part of the Qurban distribution was an eye-opening experience," she says. "It allowed us to give back in a way that felt meaningful and impactful."

Having grown up with access to the comforts of public transportation, education, and modern healthcare, Syasya realized how much she had taken for granted. In Cambodia, she witnessed firsthand the struggles of those without such privileges. "It made me so much more appreciative of what we have," she recalls. But rather than dwell on the disparities, Syasya focused on how she could help. Whether through the activities her team had organized or simply interacting with the villagers, she saw every moment as an opportunity to contribute.

This experience became a turning point for Syasya. It deepened her empathy, strengthened her resolve, and fueled her passion for healthcare—a field where she knew she could continue to care for others in meaningful ways. As she returned home, her commitment to making a difference grew stronger, whether in her local community or abroad. "We should always be ready to help others in need," she emphasizes. "If we can't go overseas, we can start right here in our own communities." For Syasya, the journey through Cambodia's waters was more than just an expedition—it was the start of a journey into the heart of compassionate care, a mission that continues to guide her life today.

Profile 2 - From Blueprints to Impact

At 25, Mohammad Zafir bin Mohammad Zahid wasn't just another civil engineering graduate from the Singapore Institute of Technology—he was someone fueled by a deep-rooted passion to create real, lasting change. While civil engineering had given him the tools, his innate desire to uplift communities pushed him to join the Emaan Catalyst Community's (ECC) recce expedition to Lombok in August 2024. Supported by Youth Corps Singapore, under the National Youth Council's Youth Expedition Project Programme Funding grant, this journey wasn't just another step in his career—it was a personal mission to see how he could use his skills to build more than just structures.

As part of the APEXpedition Project ACE 2024, Zafir and his team, led by ECC expedition leaders, embarked on a five-day recce trip to assess the needs of underserved communities there. They were tasked with curating programs to uplift those living in conditions starkly different from what he had known in Singapore.

Upon arriving in Lombok, Zafir was immediately struck by the vibrant landscapes and the warmth of the people. Yet, in the bustling streets and makeshift markets, he began to witness the harsh realities of daily life for many. One visit to a local waste management site, Bukit Sampah (Rubbish Hill) would stay with him forever.

The sight was jarring. Young and old workers sifted through heaps of refuse under the sweltering sun, their faces lined with the weight of hardship. Zafir watched as families struggled to earn a living, each member participating in a seemingly endless task to earn a few dollars by collecting items such as glass bottles that can fetch only SGD 1.50 per kilo. He felt an unexpected surge of gratitude for the systems in place back home—systems that, while often strict, provided structure and support for people's livelihoods.

"I realised that I've taken so much for granted," Zafir reflected, his heart heavy with compassion. "In Singapore, the systems may sometimes feel overbearing, but they exist for the greater good. For example, our waste management system is efficient and designed to keep our environment clean, allowing people to work safely and with dignity. In Lombok, however, there's a lack of that foundation. I saw families struggling to make a living in appalling conditions at Bukit Sampah, where workers had to sift through mountains of waste to find anything of value. It's heartbreaking to see how many people are affected by the absence of those basic systems—people who deserve the same opportunities and protections we often take for granted."

The experience had opened his heart and reshaped his understanding of his role as an engineer. He began to see engineering as more than just constructing buildings; it was about creating systems that uplifted communities.

Before returning to Singapore, Zafir made a personal promise to consume less and be more mindful of his daily choices. He vowed to avoid unnecessary plastic bags, appreciate his resources, and advocate for sustainability in his community. He said, "Every small action counts. We must be aware of what we use and how it impacts others. This overseas service learning taught me we can do more as industry leaders. For us, engineers, it's not just building structures but a better world."

As Zafir anticipates the two-week expedition in December, he and his 17 fellow team members are set to return to Lombok for Project ACE. This journey will immerse them deeply in the local community, working hand-in-hand to create meaningful change. From engaging in sustainable farming at Alam Rinjani School to distributing food and participating in cultural exchanges, the expedition will provide invaluable hands-on experience in community building, environmental stewardship, and social entrepreneurship. For Zafir, it's not just about drafting new blueprints—it's about empowering the community to shape a future they can proudly call their own.

Hashtag: #emaancatalystcommunity #ecc #ycsyep #eccyep #servicelearning #youthexpeditions #globalcitizenship #youthempowerment #youthvolunteerism #youthcorpsingapore

About Emaan Catalyst Community Ltd

Emaan Catalyst Community Ltd (ECC) is a Singapore-based foundation dedicated to fostering community development and youth leadership through service learning. For close to a decade, ECC has empowered youth, schools, and corporate teams to engage in meaningful service projects across Southeast Asia, improving the lives of over 100,000 people. ECC's mission is to build resilient communities and inspire the next generation of leaders committed to sustainability and positive global impact.

source: Emaan Catalyst Community

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