[ET Net News Agency, 5 September 2023] 2 companies registered block trading at the
trading session as follows:
Litsed Company Shares Transcated Price/Share Total
(+/- from previous close) Consideration
CHINAHONGQIAO (01378) A direct manual trade HK$7.77 HK$108.78m
of 14 million shares (-6.61%)
AINNOVATION (02121) A direct manual trade HK$16.4 HK$17.99m
of 1.1 million shares (-13.68%)
Meanwhile, another 2 direct manual trades of 2 million shares of AINNOVATION were
registered at 9:06am at HK$16.4 per share, 13.7% lower than previous close, with the total
amount of HK$32.8m. In addition, 4 direct manual trades of 3.71 million shares of
AINNOVATION were registered at 9:05am at HK$16.4 per share, 13.7% lower than previous
close, with the total amount of HK$60.79m. In addition, 3 direct manual trades of 3.18
million shares of AINNOVATION were registered at 9:04am at HK$16.4 per share, 13.7% lower
than previous close, with the total amount of HK$52.11m. In addition, a direct manual
trade of 803,200 shares of AINNOVATION was registered at 9:02am at HK$16.4 per share,
13.7% lower than previous close, with the total amount of HK$13.17m.
The 11 direct manual trades amounted to 10.78 million shares of HK$176.87m.(rw)