怡和大廈於1972年落成。曾稱為康樂大廈的怡和大廈,位於康樂廣場一號,是巴馬丹拿公司合夥人木下一先生為置地公司在上世紀70年代初設計的。他綜合了功能,结構及地利的考慮,規劃一座52層高,方柱體的甲級商廈。外牆採用標誌的圓窗,共1,748個,成為當年中環新填海區的地標。在頂層機房,也特別引用半金字塔頂,收畫龍點睛之效果。 大廈以高架人行橋接駁發展商的其他物業,為人車分流的典範。數年前大廈進行外牆修葺,原來馬賽克的物料,被鋁質幕牆式組件覆蓋,但也保存了本來特色,成為佳話。
Jumbo Floating Restaurant, Aberdeen Shelter
Floating restaurant first appeared in Aberdeen the year after the war. Its origin is reportedly floating restaurants run by fishermen community living on boats. In the beginning, Tai Pak Floating Restaurant has the biggest scale, followed by Jumbo Floating Restaurant. Visitors arriving on shuttle ferries are welcomed by the two golden dragon statues winding around the columns at the entrance, as well as water features highlighting dragon statues with pearls. Inside the restaurant, there is a grand staircase beneath a huge decorative mural, connecting the lobby with the three storeys above. The restaurant adopts a balanced layout. The main hall is located on the third floor, with banquet halls occupying all the other floors. An outdoor restaurant is situated on the fourth floor. Visitors can pick and purchase their seafood from the fishing pond located on the first floor. The kitchen is set up on a separate barge, connected to the restaurant with a footbridge. Jumbo Floating Restaurant represents the culinary culture of Hong Kong and the city’s splendid history in catering industry.
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