A direct manual trade of 1 million shares of UBTECH ROBOTICS (09880) was registered at 9:05a.m.
The deal amounted to HK$56.05m, or at HK$56.05 per share, 10.2% lower than previous close.
31/12/2024 09:06
A direct manual trade of 1 million shares of UBTECH ROBOTICS (09880) was registered at 9:05a.m.
The deal amounted to HK$56.05m, or at HK$56.05 per share, 10.2% lower than previous close.
Previous︰31/12/2024 09:08 {Block Trade}UBTECH ROBOTICS sees 3 deals in 3 mins
Next︰31/12/2024 09:05 {Block Trade}UBTECH ROBOTICS: 1m shares, or HK$55.55m
31/12/2024 10:05 {Block Trade}JD-SW (09618): 250k shares, or HK$33.62m
31/12/2024 09:37 {Block Trade}KUAISHOU-W (01024): 1.19m shares, or HK$49.86m
31/12/2024 09:13 {Block Trade}BEAUTYFARM MED: 2.69m shares, or HK$38.85m
31/12/2024 09:03 {Block Trade}BEAUTYFARM MED: 2.69m shares, or HK$38.85m
31/12/2024 09:01 {Block Trade}Pre-opening block trades at 9:00am
Warrants / CBBC