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Leadership Coaching
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    Leadership Coaching









  Boris started to apply coaching in managing his own team.  In the past, when a team member came to him with a problem, he would immediately rattle away what should be done.  And the team member would hurried away to execute the instructions.


  Boris noticed that nowadays he could hold his tongue and asked more questions instead.  He observed that his team members were not accustomed to his change of behaviour.  They came expecting to receive guidance but later on realized they themselves were the ones coming up with ideas and doing most of the talking.


  Yet there were times when Boris would hit the wall.  He found out that not everybody was coachable at all times.  This is because coaching requires the client to do a fair bit of thinking.  In a fire-fighting situation at the workplace, what the client needed most was clear and quick instructions to tackle the problem there and then.  Under such urgent circumstances, there was no time to ponder or reflect.  Coaching would not be appropriate. 


  For example, there was a very upset customer shouting and complaining loudly at the reception.  So much so that all the other customers were shocked and watching to see what would happen next.  When you the manager was alerted of the situation, and you asked your team member in a relaxed and indifferent tone, "What do you really want out of this?", "What other ways can you resolve this?","What is the impact when you succeed?"  That would definitely drive the team member up the wall!


  Boris also found that if the client or himself was physically or mentally exhausted, or be overwhelmed with negative emotions, it was very challenging to maintain a desirable resourceful state to do quality thinking.  Coaching would also not be appropriate then. 


  In those situations, it would be better off to use other methods, such as giving direct instructions, suggestions etc.  Of course, coaching could be used to review the events at a later stage.  The purpose was to be better prepared the next time when the same situation happened again.  They could also use coaching to bring awareness on the lessons to be learnt to prevent it from happening again.


  Although not everybody is suitable to be coached at all times, coaching is definitely suitable for everyone at certain times.  This is an important point to note for workplace coaching.  So long as the coach keeps his radar switched on, it would be easy for him to detect and identify.




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