出身國際電視媒體,精通五種語言。前半生在多家跨國公司擔任要職,從事銷售、管理、翻譯卅載,在中港兩地有近20年寶貴的實幹業務經驗。後半生創辦智邦環球有限公司,深信人的潛力無限,助人運用正面心態,提高演示、管理、銷售、教練能力,增長業績,留住人才,支持他們摘下事業與人生的金牌。Leadership Coaching
「是的,能做到對我很重要。 」
David is having his first coaching session with Coach Michael today.
“Hi David, glad to see you again and thank you for doing your Coachability Index. So you now know that you need to be punctual and prepared for each session. You have also confirmed that this is the appropriate time for you to receive coaching. You are willing to take suitable actions to achieve your goals.
You agreed to keep your promises without struggle or sabotaging. You are committed to “try” new ideas or do things in a different way. You shall speak straight to your coach, that is to me.
If you feel you’re not getting what you want or expect from the coaching relationship, you will bring it up asap and ask that you get what you want and need. You are also willing to stop or change self-defeating behaviours which limit your success. You see coaching as a worthwhile investment for your life.”
“That’s correct.”
“You have also listed out 5 goals to be achieved in the next 6 months. They are:
To lead and build a strong and cohesive team to achieve a common goal.
To deal and work with colleagues of different personalities and capabilities.
To be brave and voice your opinions.
To improve on your ability to and analyse a situation to solve a problem.
To use your time more effectively to reduce stress.
“Yes, it’s important for me to do all that.”
“Why is that important?”
“The competition is intense nowadays. To achieve business targets can maintain and even increase the company’s competitiveness. It will also provide job stability to everyone. If I can work with different types of people with ease, the working atmosphere will be harmonious, boosting efficiency and effectiveness. Sometimes I am very conscious of how others view me and I hold back my opinions. I regret it every single time and I want to change that. I want to learn to speak up clearly and powerfully. This is key when leading a team. My responsibilities will increase with my promotion. If I can analyse a situation accurately and quickly, it will help solve the right problem to save time, energy and resources, and increase our performance.”
“If you can do that, what would you become?”
“Oh, I will become a capable and responsible person with a sense of achievement. I can contribute to the success of the company.”
“Wow, thank you for having me as your companion on this journey to achieve your dream. Let’s work together!”
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