香港人。自小酷愛西洋文,終日沉淪西洋書海之中。閑時與洋妞竹星爲伍,涉山過海。除練得一口洋文外,其他一無是處。得諸位大文豪庇佑,英語成績傲視同群,惟五用成語及天文科學一竅不通,最後更違抗父母之命,選修西洋文,與所有致富的專業正式分道揚鑣。大學畢業後投身傳媒及資訊科技業,從事市務推廣及專案管理工作。爲方便滑雪,近年移居加拿大,與大灰熊及海狸爲鄰,並順道修讀MBA。爲求三餐溫飽,在road trip與road trip之間,爲企業作管理顧問。
Business English
英文俗語是The devil's in the details,意指壞了事情的,往往是一些細節。換句話說,亦即細節極可能是成敗得失的關鍵。
雙T製作了一個代售熱門產品、服務的網站。在售出了產品、服務後,T記會發予客戶一封個人化的電郵(personalized email),買家憑電郵便可到商戶領取貨品。
1. Print this or save it in your mobile phone to bring to the business.
2. Make sure you bring I.D. so that the business can identify you to ensure the rightful customer is redeeming the buy.
3. Head over to the location.
4. Present this confirmation and your I.D. before redeeming.
5. This company has been supplied a master list with your info, therefore there is no need to try and photoshop this document.
只要我帶電郵到商戶領取貨品,不管我帶的是打印版、儲存在手機內的電子版都沒關係。因此,用print this or save it in your mobile phone to bring to the business可說是多此一舉。
香港人表達時,有一弊病——囉囉嗦嗦。客人領取貨品要帶身份證明,當然是為了商戶核對所用,又何需畫蛇添足解釋道:“so that the business can identify you to ensure the rightful customer is redeeming the buy”?
此外,用rightful customer是否暗示有不合法客戶的存在?要表示所購商品、服務,用the purchase又是否比the buy好?
Head over to the location。朋友,若連“前往(商戶)地點”也要提醒客戶的話,那麼是否開門、上鎖、乘升降機也要替客戶寫下來?
全篇最令人歎為觀止的,是那“好客當賊辦”、警告客不要重覆使用此電郵 (偷竊?) 的恐嚇句:“This company has been supplied a master list with your info, therefore there is no need to try and photoshop this document.”
Please present this personalized email and your identification when redeeming your purchase. Enjoy!
《說說心理話》青少年自殺率上升,如何分辨求助訊號?社工分享陪伴的重要性► 即睇