Summary of listed companies announcements (7)
Code Company Summary
06663 IWS GROUP Announcements and Notices - (Change in Registered Address or Office
, Registered Place of Business in HK or Agent for Service of Proces
s in HK)
06690 HAIER SMARTHOME Announcements and Notices - (Overseas Regulatory Announcement - Oth
06699 ANGELALIGN Next Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback)
06821 ASYMCHEM Announcements and Notices - (Overseas Regulatory Announcement - Oth
06821 ASYMCHEM Announcements and Notices - (Movements in Issued Share Capital / Ot
her - Miscellaneous)
06821 ASYMCHEM Announcements and Notices - (Overseas Regulatory Announcement - Boa
rd/Supervisory Board Resolutions)
06821 ASYMCHEM Announcements and Notices - (Overseas Regulatory Announcement - Cor
porate Governance Related Matters)
06880 TEMPUS HOLD Announcements and Notices - (Suspension / Inside Information)
06885 JINMA ENERGY Announcements and Notices - (Discloseable Transaction)
06886 HTSC Announcements and Notices - (Overseas Regulatory Announcement - Iss
ue of Securities and Related Matters)
06889 DYNAM JAPAN Next Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback)
06969 SMOORE INTL Announcements and Notices - (Profit Warning / Inside Information)
06999 LEADING HLDGS Announcements and Notices - (Winding Up and Liquidation of Issuer,
its Holding Company or Major Subsidiary / Inside Information)
09636 JF WEALTH Announcements and Notices - (Profit Warning / Inside Information)
09666 JINKE SERVICES Next Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback)
09668 CBHB Announcements and Notices - (List of Directors and their Role and F
09668 CBHB Announcements and Notices - (Change in Directors or of Important Ex
ecutive Functions or Responsibilities / Change of Remuneration Comm
ittee Member / Closure of Books or Change of Book Closure Period /
Other - Miscellaneous)
09669 BEISEN HOLDING Announcements and Notices - (Terms of Reference of the Audit Commit
09886 DINGDANG HEALTH Announcements and Notices - (List of Directors and their Role and F
09886 DINGDANG HEALTH Announcements and Notices - (Change in Directors or of Important Ex
ecutive Functions or Responsibilities)
09968 HUIJING HLDGS Announcements and Notices - (Suspension / Inside Information)
09979 GREENTOWN MGMT Announcements and Notices - (Date of Board Meeting)
09987 YUM CHINA Next Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback)
09992 POP MART Announcements and Notices - (Profit Warning / Inside Information)
81299 AIA-R Next Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback)
82020 ANTA SPORTS-R Announcements and Notices - (Other - Trading Update)
# in ascending order of company codes, for further information, please visit HKEx news