如何得體地道歉?看Anne Hathaway的聲明
看奧斯卡,除了看獎項花落誰家外,眼睛定必被紅地毯上的女星迷住。可惜,Anne Hathaway的Prada粉紅色禮服奇醜無比,絕對是奧斯卡史上最醜陋服飾之一。結果, Hathaway為穿Prada而公開致歉,但並非因為其品味差劣,而是Valentino公關當天發了國際新聞稿,稱Hathaway會穿其品牌的禮服。Valentino的面子放哪﹖難堪死!她不得不發聲明解釋,及維繫與Valentino的關係。聲明如下:
“It came to my attention late Saturday night that there would be a dress worn to the Oscars that is remarkably similar to the Valentino I had intended to wear, and so I decided it was best for all involved to change my plans.
Though I love the dress I did wear, it was a difficult last minute decision as I had so looked forward to wearing Valentino in honour of the deep and meaningful relationship I have enjoyed with the house and with Valentino himself. I deeply regret any disappointment caused.”
首先,她清楚交代臨時改變主意的原因。女人忌撞衫,寧願醜,寧願冒險得失Valentino,也不要撞衫!她說明她只是在last Saturday night(即奧斯卡典禮前一日的晚上)才發現可能撞衫,以證事出突然,非她所願。
重點是她沒有指名道姓,沒有指出會跟誰撞衫,否則搬他人上枱,會顯得委過於人。畢竟人家也是著名巨星,Hathaway道歉時絕不能擺架子。另外,她說“it was best for all involved”,而不是為一己私益著想,人家也不想撞衫,她寧願自己匆忙搜尋別的禮服,這樣更顯得她落落大方、為人設想。當然,Hathaway漏招,沒有第一時間通知Valentino,有點令人質疑她是否真的設想到所有牽涉其中的人(all involved)。
最後,她力陳自己如何喜愛和渴望穿上Valentino的禮服,又出人情牌,掂!出人情牌要有說明力,必須建基於多年來的深厚交情,不然開罪人,還扮有親,實在惹人討厭。Valentino曾經公開說:“She’s a very good friend of mine. She’s like my daughter.” 2011年他牽著穿起Valentino禮服的Hathaway出席奧斯卡,去年更親自為伊人設計婚紗,可見Hathaway絕對夠資格說“the deep and meaningful relationship I have enjoyed with the house and with Valentino himself”。Valentino應該有大將之風及乾爸之義,至少不會公開表示計較。平日打好關係何其重要!
Hathaway除了發聲明解釋,大概在不久將來,會在公開場合穿上Valentino的服飾,以行動補鑊。Actions speak louder than words!
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