[ET Net News Agency, 14 March 2024] 4 companies registered block trading at the
pre-opening session as follows:
Litsed Company Shares Transcated Price/Share Total
(+/- from previous close) Consideration
TENCENT (00700) A block trade of HK$291.25 HK$108.74m
373,360 shares (+0.22%)
SITC (01308) A block trade of HK$15.007 HK$11.6m
772,800 shares (+1.13%)
PICC P&C (02328) A block trade of HK$11.089 HK$33.91m
3.06 million shares (-0.28%)
YUM CHINA (09987) A block trade of HK$340.072 HK$71.69m
210,800 shares (-0.21%)