[ET Net News Agency, 10 May 2024] 8 listed companies see active trades and price swing
at 9:20am
Listed companies Price Change(%) Status
SIPAI HEALTH (00314) HK$6.660 +10.82
XINHUA WINSHARE (00811) HK$8.650 +1.41 - Hitting a historical high
- Rising a combined 9.49% over the past
5 consecutive days
HISENSE HA (00921) HK$36.800 +1.24 - Hitting a historical high
- Rising a combined 4.1% over the past
2 consecutive days
CHINFMINING (01258) HK$7.500 +0.94 - Hitting a historical high
- Rising a combined 4.02% over the past
2 consecutive days
KINGKEY FIN INT (01468) HK$0.106 +13.98 - Rising a combined 16.48% over the past
2 consecutive days
LAEKNA-B (02105) HK$7.420 +14.86 - Rising a combined 24.71% over the past
2 consecutive days
LEPU BIO-B (02157) HK$4.840 -11.84
CMOC (03993) HK$8.000 +1.01 - Hitting a historical high
- Rising a combined 8.11% over the past
5 consecutive days