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  • ET發表於 2013-10-3 01:17 PM
  • #25
  • 大陸年青人要出國卻不太難,只要成績好便可拿獎學金到香港讀大學,再申請獎學金到外國深造。

  • 引用 #3 亞扁媽媽 發表於 2013-10-2 10:31 AM

    相信香港仍有很多默默耕耘的人,因為忙於耕耘無暇發聲,可假定沉默的仍佔大多數。 暫時香港人有一樣明 ...
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  • 六十後男士發表於 2013-10-2 07:10 PM
  • #24
  • 回覆 #20 nile

    First of all, I am not that old as I have not reached the age of retirement yet.

    I am afraid you have adopted an impolite manner to discuss. This is personal attack and

    I will not accept this kind of attitude.

    You do have the right to dissatisfy the present system. The critical consideration is time

    and method. To overturn the existing system overnight will not work definitely. Instead,

    it will create endless turmoil in China during when China needs a peaceful environment

    to foster economics. It is only the USA who loves to see the civil disturbance in China

    which undermine the economic development of China.

    If you love China, please do not echo the USA and humbly find the way to offer


    If you want to anti-China, then I shall chase after you and unveil your attempt

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  • panzerkampfwagen發表於 2013-10-2 04:46 PM
  • #23
  • That allows the students to think and no matter what ground they take in the end, the point is that, the have learnt to think independently and also the history of the country.
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  • panzerkampfwagen發表於 2013-10-2 04:44 PM
  • #22
  • Our country is in greater danger than what we think, we need to remember the tragic that happened in WW2, the death of 22 million people. 勿忘國恥 振興中華.
    Seriously, how many teenager know anything from WW2 China, i think there is less than 10 % in HK knows.
    I think school should teach about the real anti- japanese war in ww2, not a communist nor nationalist version, but a version that uses all the sources including communist, nationalist, japanese and western world.
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  • panzerkampfwagen發表於 2013-10-2 04:38 PM
  • #21
  • 回覆 #20 nile

    That is a bit extreme, but i agree with your previous point that corrupted officials make a lot of money with relatively low risk. I think that even if you work very hard and is very clever, the chance of you making more money than people who is more powerful and connected is quite low. i am not saying that the world is fair or what, but the relative fairness in China is relatively low. Just see what happened to parents how protested against the poison milk powder. I agree with 六十後男士 's point that we should improve our country by working hard and influencing other people, but a real patriot will criticizes his own country. I think a lot of people now a days have seen peace for too long, and neglected the danger that approaches our country. From the isolation and encirclement of USA, to the raise is extreme left wing in Japan, and the conflict with the SEA countries over our islands in the south china sea, also the rise of India.
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  • nile發表於 2013-10-2 03:47 PM
  • #20
  • 回覆 #19 六十後男士

    If your logic works, when you find dissatisfaction in a social/political phenomenon, don't change it; just kill
    yourself! Aging obviously doesn't seem to have an "effect" on you!
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  • 六十後男士發表於 2013-10-2 01:23 PM
  • #19
  • 回覆 #4 nile

    This is a kind of unfair comment made by anti-China clan.
    Every developing country needs time and process to develop and groom as ideal place

    to live in.

    A country-loving Chinese tends to contribute himself in the process in one way or other

    instead of to be as negative as possible.

    If you are so critical and suspecting to China, please cancel your China HK passport first

    and flee to the heaven at your earliest convenience.
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  • 靚姐發表於 2013-10-2 01:09 PM
  • #18
  • 所以呢,咁多苦水肚裏呑,更要祝福有意願要改革嘅「人」!
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  • nile發表於 2013-10-2 12:56 PM
  • #17
  • 回覆 #16 靚姐

    I did business in China most of my life. No matter how hard I worked, I couldn't make as much as the
    counterparts of govt officials (no risks involved) to say a word or two, one gesture or the other. Now you're saying that I pour a bucket of cold water or two... Silence is golden, but sometimes invisibility is golder!
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  • 靚姐發表於 2013-10-2 12:26 PM
  • #16
  • 滅貪在中國現處階段是千里之行,始於足下。 Nile 閣下,你的意見又何嘗不是一種設想而矣! 送禮文化在中國源遠流長,如此多的人口,要改當然是工程浩大,艱巨而反覆。 就算成功,我多數都看不見而只能送上良好的祝願而不會先潑冷水!。
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  • 亞扁媽媽發表於 2013-10-2 12:09 PM
  • #15
  • 回覆 #11 平民百姓


    今時今日大陸人民的物質生活比前好,當然不少內地山區小鄉鎮仍滯停留不前,中國畢竟是片很大的國土,美國mid west都仍有牛仔鎮傳統啦;二次大戰後全國頹桓敗瓦,至今日大部份人民得到溫飽,在國際舞台上亦佔一席位,共產黨的功勞不可抹殺啊,雖然和平後不共產會否更好無人知,總之現時國力得來不易,中國亦向著開放邁進,最重要一點就是,幾醜樣都係親生阿媽!
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  • 靚姐發表於 2013-10-2 12:04 PM
  • #14
  • 我唔記得講你咪以為淨喺香港先碰口碰面喺大陸人,依家喺外國一樣,只要喺黃皮膚,週處都喺祖國嚟嘅人。
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  • 靚姐發表於 2013-10-2 11:50 AM
  • #13
  • 終於有個高人,不! 雷教授已是高人,呢個「平民百姓」喺高過高人又知又識中共是不會告訴世人知人民幣喺可以換美金噃。 我只睇得到唔止到港內地遊客,留學生,及移民換港幣,去歐洲換歐羅,去澳洲換澳幣,去台灣換台弊,去加拿大換加幣,我淨唔知咁多去美國留學,旅遊及移民,掃貨買平屋嗰D大陸人原來唔知人民幣可以換美金!
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  • nile發表於 2013-10-2 11:22 AM
  • #12
  • 回覆 #8 亞扁媽媽

    I discovered readers here in general always like to take the case to its extreme.
    I'm not talking in "absolute" sense; like equality, it's all a matter of "relativity".
    Are we saying there isn't corruption in HK? - at least most of the convicts are exposed under the sun.
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  • 平民百姓發表於 2013-10-2 11:16 AM
  • #11
  • 如果貪污在神洲大地絶跡,香港沒有價值有何問題,我們只要做好自己便可以。


    天真跟無知是一樣的 ! 中共是不會告訴世人知,有人可以把人民幣對换成美金的。
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  • 亞扁媽媽發表於 2013-10-2 11:01 AM
  • #10
  • 俾間賺緊錢既公司佢管都管唔掂啦,除左遊行示威佢咪淨識鬼殺咁曹?

  • 引用 #9 靚姐 發表於 2013-10-2 10:51 AM

    李卓人咪話香港大把錢,用二十年都好吖。 船到橋頭自然直,咪使咗先囉!
  • 回覆 | 引用 | 舉報
  • 靚姐發表於 2013-10-2 10:51 AM
  • #9
  • 李卓人咪話香港大把錢,用二十年都好吖。 船到橋頭自然直,咪使咗先囉!
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  • 亞扁媽媽發表於 2013-10-2 10:50 AM
  • #8
  • wipe out corruption全世界都做唔到!

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  • 靚姐發表於 2013-10-2 10:44 AM
  • #7
  • 嘩! wipe out corruption, 大陸咪痴心妄想! 香港亷政公署依然有 不少 case 做,唔執得笠。 大陸憑咩嘢妄想!
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