緣.來自Mei Ling
Mei Ling
Mei Ling
廖吳美玲Mei Ling,做為電視真人騷《盛女愛作戰》幕後顧問一夜爆紅,因其經驗豐富,點評中肯直接,且手握優質筍盤無數,被譽為鑽石媒人,備受好評。其創立的香港婚姻介紹所Hong Kong Matchmakers。
Mei Ling曾於紐約婚姻介紹學院就讀,成為美、德註冊婚配師,創立香港婚姻介紹所,有別於其他婚介所,Mei Ling所設門檻很高,專為香港單身高學歷人士作婚姻配對,創辦16年,成功撮合的高層男女不下數百對。
Mei Ling曾於世界頂級大企業任要職,包括貿發局法蘭克福貿易顧問等。曾獲歐盟市場開拓及業務發展比賽冠軍,成為首位女性及華人獲得此殊榮。亦曾創立自己的時裝生意,在高峰時賣盤。
著有《How to Find A Husband》。 Man Manual, Navigating Relationships鑽石媒人Mei Ling
最近,我與亞視合作拍攝一連10集的新節目《緣.來自Mei Ling》。節目將於7月30日,逢星期一、三的晚上十一時半,在其中文頻道播放。跟我拍檔的是主持財經節目《國際財經視野》的王瑞麟William Wong 。
小緣圈夥拍職業訓練局舉辦的個人提升課程,將於今年的8月30日在灣仔的高峰進修學院展開。在大部分的集數中,我們更邀請到一位或更多的課程講師親臨節目分享。課程大致分為軟技能、品味生活,以及機會/勵志講座三部分。於節目早期出現的講師包括來自北京大學匯豐商學院的Dr. Terrill Frantz,他將會教授我們有效運用社交媒介的正確方法;Carl Yuen既是律師又是香港老爺車會的副會長,他將跟大家分享他對汽車的心得;對於那些令男性著迷的欲望,心理學家Professor Dr. CC Chan將與大家討論當中的前因後果。
Chatting with Mei Ling
I am presently shooting 10x episodes of new TV shows with ATV named “Chatting with Meiling” (緣.來自Mei Ling). This will be aired starting Wed 30/7/2014, every Monday and Wednesday at 11:30pm on the Chinese Channel. My partner for this show will be William Wong, the gentleman who presents the finance show國際財經視野。
The program will be divided into several parts. In the first part, there is always a Topic of the Day, usually taken either from my ETNET columns, or from any other current problem of particular interest, and we shall be discussing this at length. The first three topics for the first three shows include: Ageing Population, Long Distance Relationships and Men’s Obsessions (excerpts from my book The Man Manual). William is particularly keen in “defending” the men in the latter topic, and I was indeed amused to watch how he would go to great length in justifying the men’s need for vanity…
In every episode, we would interview selective “diamond singles”, talk to them about their work, their interests, their passion, their lives. In the first three episodes, we shall be interviewing Anthony, the diamond bachelor who graduated with a Master Degree from Cambridge, established his own trading company importing wine, and recently bought himself the entire vineyard and winery from Napa Valley, California, hence successfully turning a hobby into a successful business. The fact that he donates a substantial part of his revenue to local charities makes his entrepreneurial efforts all the more meaningful.
Then there is Johnny, originally accepted into Medical School of Edinburg University, then decided to study music instead. It wasn’t an easy decision, but he followed his heart, and is today holder of a Master Degree in Music from California and New Jersey, a prominent conductor who has won numerous awards both in HK and abroad.
Charlotte is a tall, slender & talented beauty who believes in family values and long distance relationships. She feels that most people are negative about such relationships because they tend to focus on the disadvantages while overlooking the advantages. Jackie is a good looking young man, a successful solicitor from one of the leading law firms in Hong Kong who speaks fluent Japanese and is eligible to practice law not only in Hong Kong, but in New York as well.
MeilingCircle collaborates with VTC in offering the Self Enhancement Program at Peak College in Wanchai starting 30th August 2014. In many of the episodes, we shall be interviewing at least one or more course speakers. The Program may roughly be divided into three parts: (a) Soft Skills軟技能 (b) Life Style品味生活 (c) Opportunities機會/勵志講座。Speakers in the early episodes will include: Professor Dr. Terrill Frantz from the Peking University HSBC Business School who will be teaching us the correct way to make social media work for us. Carl Yuen the Barrister is also the Vice Chairman of the Classic Car Club and he will be speaking about cars of course. Professor Dr. CC Chan, the psychologist, will discuss with us the whys and wherefores with regard to Men’s Obsessions.
Globalization means stepping out of the box. Wherever possible, we shall also show video clips of fellow singles from around the world(四海華人), plus special sanctuaries ideal for romantic getaways.
We hope you will enjoy the program.
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