[ET Net News Agency, 4 March 2024] 5 companies registered block trading at the
pre-opening session as follows:
Litsed Company Shares Transcated Price/Share Total
(+/- from previous close) Consideration
TONGCHENGTRAVEL (00780) A block trade of HK$19.58 HK$27.68m
1.41 million shares (-)
SWIREPROPERTIES (01972) A block trade of HK$15.9 HK$23.85m
1.5 million shares (-)
LI AUTO-W (02015) A block trade of HK$179.2 HK$61.7m
WEICHAI POWER (02338) A block trade of HK$14.94 HK$15.09m
1.01 million shares (-)
VISION DEAL-Z (07827) 2 block trades of HK$7.95 HK$79.58m
10.01 million shares (-20.1%)