[ET Net News Agency, 16 January 2024] 4 companies registered block trading at the
trading session as follows:
Litsed Company Shares Transcated Price/Share Total
(+/- from previous close) Consideration
TENCENT (00700) A block trade of HK$290.839 HK$67.3m
231,400 shares (+0.5%)
CHICMAX (02145) A non-direct manual HK$29.75 HK$29.16m
trade of 980,100 shares (-5.71%)
FLAT GLASS (06865) A block trade of HK$14.838 HK$11.34m
764,000 shares (+0.8%)
BABA-SW (09988) A block trade of HK$69.931 HK$34.59m
494,600 shares (-0.1%)