想加人工?切忌跟老闆説Can you increase my salary!傾加薪前必學英語對答+實用詞彙
(Credit: https://stock.adobe.com)
記住,很多老闆無法忍受一個員工主動要求加薪,卻沒有表示出他們為公司做了甚麼。因此,在請求加薪前,記得先準備好具體資料,證明你的辦事效率及對公司的貢獻,並調查類似職務的人目前的薪資狀況。準備愈周全,待遇就可能更優越啊!事不宜遲,here you go!
Part 1:與「加薪」有關的常見單詞及片語
● Annual salary 年薪
● Basic/base salary 基本/基本工資/底薪
● Commitment 承諾;責任
● Comparable jobs 相類職位
● Customer feedback 客戶反饋
● Dedication 貢獻
● Doesn’t really meet my expectations 不太符合我的期望
● Fair wage 合理工資
● For the interest and growth of our company 為了我們公司的利益和增長
● Get a raise 加薪
● Get paid more than I do 薪金比我高
● Implemented cost-effective solutions 實施符合成本效益的解決方案
● Keep my team on track 讓我的團隊跟上進度
● Market price 市場價
● Meet with you for a certain reason 想跟你見面談一下
● Minimum wage 最低工資
● Monthly salary 月薪
● Out of left field意料之外;唐突
● Presentable 令人滿意的;像樣的
● Qualification 資格
● Recommendations from others of the commendable work I do 其他人讚賞我工作表現優異
● Salary statement 工資單;薪水明細
● Starting salary 起薪
● The customer base has grown 客戶群已經增長
● The extra workload I've recently taken on 我最近所承擔的額外工作量
● The increasingly valuable role I play in the company 我在公司裡扮演著越來越重要的角色
● The retention rate of my clients 我的客戶的保留率
● Took on extra work 承擔了額外的工作
Part 2: 「成功談加薪」的實用句子
(Credit: https://stock.adobe.com)
1. Would it be alright if we spent some time discussing my compensation during my performance review(績效考核)?
2. Do you mind setting a short meeting to discuss my compensation?
3. During the past three years in this company, I took on (攬下;承擔) extra work and more responsibilities because I know that my performance is closely tied to the team’s performance.
4. I believe that the additional(額外的) roles and responsibilities I've assumed justify raising my wages(加薪).
5. I would like to ask for a 3 percent raise, based on the excellent customer feedback (客戶反饋)I frequently receive.
6. Since I redesigned our website last summer, our customer base (客戶群)has grown by 40 percent.
7. Though I enjoy working here, and I appreciate any opportunity the company offers me, I regret to tell you that my current salary doesn’t really meet my expectations because……
8. I consistently keep my team on track(跟上進度), and we're the only department ahead of our schedule.
9. I appreciate you giving it some thought.
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