1. 裝酷
2. 裝上流
3. 裝傲慢
Getting To Know Me
“Getting to Know You” was the show tune of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s musical The King and I which was a cute and fun song. Nevertheless, for adults seeking life partners today, I would recommend “Getting To Know Me” first.
There are plenty of books and sagacious gurus out there who offer advice and game plans on how to capture “The One”. Interestingly, most of their wisdom appears to focus on hunting tactics rather than on sustainability, as if seekers need only to polish their skills, wait for the opportunity, pounce on the prey and everything will fall into place. I beg to differ. You might have the right pick up lines, the perfect cleavage or superb strategies, and you will probably reap a sensational affair, but it won’t last because sustainable relationships are not about game playing.
To deploy tactics in order to win someone’s affection is actually calculated and premeditated misrepresentation – hardly the right way to start building a life together with someone. So why do people play games? Mostly because they do not understand themselves very well. Let’s take a look at a few common examples:
(1) Playing Cool
The other party seems interested, deep down you are thrilled to bits, but you play hard to get. You don’t want to respond too much or too soon for fear of appearing “cheap” or “eager”. By assuming “coolness” you hope the courtship would intensify. Chances are he probably misreads the signals you and goes on to pursue someone else…
(2) Playing Upper Class
You pretend to be a wine, Italian opera and art connoisseur when you actually prefer yin-yeung, karaoke and shopping. You feign a false upbringing to reflect a refined, cultivated background when you are in fact just one of us. Her family and friends dislike you because they’ll see through you and consider you a fake.
(3) Playing Cavalier
You two had a fight and you rush to initiate a break up because you are so defensive you would jump queue to pre-empt hurt ! For pride’s sake, you desperately need to ditch him first before he ditches you! Shouting in a hurry “I don’t need anyone in my life !” The truth is, you really do, and you may well be jumping your guns prematurely.
The common underlying reasons for these charade may vary, but generally for case (1) the person is being naive, lacks self confidence of is gravely misinformed. In case (2) he is deeply insecure. In case (3) She is frightened to death, of loneliness, of failure.
So if such “tactics” are wrong, what is the best way to go about finding Mr. or Ms. Right ?
Start by getting to know yourself really well first. Your likes and dislikes, strength and weaknesses, dreams, fears, aspirations…the good and bad sides of your own personality traits. Remember, nobody is perfect, not even you. So be as brutally honest with your own assessment as you would when you criticize others, and if there is something you aren’t proud of, for instance, you have a foul temper… you have a princess attitude… you are negative and tend to complain a lot…Do not try to justify your shortcomings or hide them beneath your strength, instead make a conscious, serious effort to change for the better. Once you are comfortable with yourself, you gain self confidence and a confident person is genuine, he is capable of being vulnerable and he doesn’t need to play games or pretend to be someone he is not any more.
Even Date Doctor Hitch (Will Smith) conceded in the end that to be genuine to others, you have to be genuine to yourself first, and that is the key to any successful relationship.
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