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Step 1:說明來信目的


• I am writing to formally request a review of my current salary(檢視我目前的工資).


• I would like to request an adjustment (調整)to my salary.


• In my current role, I’m excited to keep working towards key company goals (努力實現公司的主要目標)and grow my personal responsibilities(履行個人職責). As a result, I’d like to discuss my salary.


Step 2:簡單敘述自己在該公司的工作資歷


• I have greatly enjoyed working at KZC Ltd., and I feel I have contributed a great deal to the company (為公司做出了很大的貢獻)in the past five years.


• During my time as an Executive Secretary for L&Y Company, I have become an integral member (不可或缺的一員)of the administration team.


Step 3:強調自己在公司的成就及貢獻




• My salary has remained the same since January 2016. Since then, I have achieved the following goals:


- brought in $100,000 more in sales than the year before

- implemented (實施)new systems

- saved annual expenditure by 8% (節省了8%的年度支出)for our company

- took the lead on (領導)over 50 new projects


• I believe I have gone above and beyond the benchmarks (超越了基準)we set for my position when I arrived at the company 3 years ago.


• Surely, you’ve noticed the extra hours I’ve put in for the past few years. That's why I think I do deserve a raise(值得加工資).


Step 4:根據市場行情,提出理想中的具體調薪數字




• From my research, I’ve learned that 5% is a reasonable increase and in line with what I've contributed(與我的貢獻一致). 


• Based on the research I’ve done, which includes looking at averages for my job title in this city and considering my tenure (任期)here, my years of experience and skill set, a salary increase of 5% is appropriate.


• I would like to request a pay raise by three percent(加薪百分之三), which would put my compensation (報酬) in line with industry standard(符合行業標準).


• My research indicates the average annual salary (平均年薪)for my position is $240,000, so I believe a raise of 6 percent would be appropriate.


Step 5:感謝語






• I enjoy my work, and I appreciate the support you and the team have shown me. Thank you for your time. I look forward to meeting with you soon.


• I'm grateful to be a member of this company. If possible, I'd love the opportunity to meet with you and further discuss this in person.


• Is there a better time for us to have this conversation in the near future?


       最後,記著千萬別下最後通牒(Don't use ultimatum.)。千萬別說 “If you don't give me a raise, I'm out of here.(如果你不給我加薪,我現在就離職)”啊!




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