在職場上,我們常常要用到 E-mail跟同事、上司、客戶溝通,但如何才能撰寫出一封得體的E-mail?你又有沒有試過收到E-mail時,想來想去也不知道該如何回覆?在了解不同處境的E-mail寫作特色前,你必須先記住以下重點:
在開始寫E-mail前,首先要提醒自己「K-I-S-S」(Keep It Short and Simple),記住要「清晰簡潔」、要「清晰簡潔」、要「清晰簡潔」,很重要所以說三次!
很多剛畢業的Freshmen剛出來社會工作時,也會誤以為寫Business E-mails時也要像以前公開考試時那樣(雖然事實上並不是),要用艱深的生字、複雜的句構。然而,在講求效率的職場,懂得撰寫一封清晰簡潔(clear & concise)的E-mail,簡直是高效工作的恩物。記住,按「send」前,若發現無意義和重複的字,切勿猶豫,刪除!
好,事不宜遲,Let’s start!這次,我們先從其中一種最常見的「詢問產品(Product Inquiry)」E-mail開始。
● 句型1: “I am particularly impressed with …[商品名稱]...”
e.g. “Our company is particularly impressed with your Robot Vacuum Cleaner 2.0.”
(Bad version(不夠簡潔):“Our company is extremely interested in your Robot Vacuum Cleaner 2.0.”)
● 句型2: “My/Our main concern is …… ”
e.g. “ Our main concern is availability.”
( Bad version (太冗長):“What we are concerning is that whether you have enough stocks for us or not.”)
● 句型3: “Could you please send me/us …… ”
e.g. “ Could you please send us a comprehensive price list.”
Dear Mr. Chan,
I am Charmaine, the senior manager of LY Electronics Ltd. I received your contact information from Steven White, whom I believe you are familiar with. He directed us to your website as we are looking for some up-to-date electronic products. [對產品表示感興趣] Having looked at your online catalog, we are particularly impressed with your Robot Vacuum Cleaner 2.0. We would like to begin with a large order (at least 1,000 units) with all sizes. [提出顧慮] Our only concern is availability as we need them to be delivered no later than May 31. One more thing, [索取資料] could you please send us a comprehensive price list? If you have wholesale discounts available for large orders, please include a description with the price list.
Thank you very much. I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Senior Manager
LY Electonics Ltd.
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