哈佛大學心理學教授Daniel Wanger和抑遏思想研究之父,以及其思維控制學說,總結出當人抑遏某種思想,更會令該思想更強烈。換句話說,我們愈不想讓自己想起某些人/事,我們便愈想它。
現代學者愛以秦始皇的事例作研究,對秦始皇來說,母親的荒淫行為令他非常痛苦,內心憤怒,生氣時更會大發雷霆,其後更變得極度暴戾。他毫不尊重女人,從不設皇后之位,他駕崩後4 年,秦朝便滅亡。
歷史著名的「埃及艷后 」克里奧帕特拉,和古羅馬政治家、軍事家馬克‧安東尼發生了姦情。馬克‧安東尼更為了克里奧帕特拉,與妻子離婚。他妻子的兄長屋大維一怒之下,率領大批羅馬將軍攻打埃及,最後馬克‧安東尼身亡,克里奧帕特拉亦自殺。有野史說屋大維在克里奧帕特拉的墳墓,挖出她雙眼和所有她的立像作詛咒,以示她永不能看到埃及重振江山的一天。
Infidelity (2):Serious Consequences
Last time we talked about using the power of the mind as an effective deterrent to temptation by extending one’s thoughts into serious future consequences. "Mental control" refers to the ways in which people control their thoughts and emotions in order to discipline their actions, let’s not mix it up with "Thought Suppression" or the "Forbidden Fruit Hypothesis" which are something else altogether!
Daniel Wegner, a psychology professor at Harvard University and the founding father of thought suppression research and the "ironic process model"concludes that suppressing thoughts about something will lead that thing to become even more salient. In other words, the more we try not to think about something, the more we think about it.
In 2011, Dr. Nathan Dewall of University of Kentucky conducted three experiments and published his findings in《the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology》,whereby he established his famous "forbidden fruit hypothesis" which concludes that the more we are not supposed to do something the stronger the desire to do so.
In brief, stop telling yourself "I shall stop thinking about Miss/Mr. Adulterer…" or that "I shouldn’t be going to the striptease…" because such mantra will only backfire. Instead think of the grave consequences!
Let’s look at two stories of infidelity which brought on exceedingly serious consequences:
Emperor Ch‘in Shih Huang
Our First Emperor had made significant contributions. He unified China and our language and implemented major political & economic reforms. However, he was also excessively brutal and cruel. The Emperor was educated by erudite and venerable scholars, he had high standards of morals, but unfortunately his mother Zhào Jī was promiscuous and had many lovers, most notably, Lü Buwei & Lào ǎi] , with whom she even had two illegitimate children.
Modern day psychologists like to take Emperor Ch’in as a case study. It is no secret that his mother’s disgraceful behaviour caused him a lot of pain. He internalized a great deal of anger and spewed venom when provoked, hence his immense brutality... He had no respect for women and never took an Empress, his great dynasty ended just four years after his death.
Queen Cleopatra
Cleopatra’s affair with Mark Anthony led him to divorce his wife which so infuriated her brother Octavius he led the powerful Roman army and crushed the Egyptians. Mark Anthony died and Cleopatra committed suicide. Rumors have it that Octavius also put a curse on Cleopatra’s tomb by gouging out her eyeballs from her tombstone and from all her statues so that Egypt will never rise again.
We do not know whether this rumor with the curse is true or false, but two things we do know: (a) The ancient Egyptian language the Hieroglyph was a highly intelligent language already divided into ideograms and phonograms as early as 83BC and yet it never evolved. The Egyptians do not even have a language of their own today, they use Arabic.(b) Throughout most part of Egyptian history, they have been ruled by foreigners: Romans, Greeks, Arabs… Egypt’s grandeur lies strictly in the past.
Wonder if only Emperor Chin’s mother and Cleopatra knew the grave consequences of their philandering, history might look very different today?
Scientific research shows that self-control is highly susceptible to glucose. A single act of self-control causes glucose to drop below optimal levels. So next time, when you desperately need to exert self-control, try consuming a large glucose drink and defeat temptation!
《說說心理話》親友自殺離世遺屬如何自處?身邊親友應該怎樣陪他們走出人生最低谷?► 即睇