Please Don’t Give Up !
People who left broken relationships are mostly hurt, angry and disappointed. People who have not found relationships in spite of repeated attempts may feel frustrated and perhaps despair. Many would stop looking altogether, and start telling themselves that being single is not so bad after all.
Please do not allow yourself to slide down that spiral. If you do not seek, you will not find, therefore not finding someone becomes a self-fulfilled prophecy. One is a lonely number, there are so many merits in having a partner why would you give up so easily ? If you want to drive a car, play the piano or do ballroom dancing…you would have to invest the time, energy and effort to learn that skill. If you were to find the perfect manager for a specific position you would still have to go through countless headhunters, CVs and interviews…Why did you ever expect that finding a life partner would be easy?
Instead of giving up, try harder:
Many clients would say, “This is the face (body) my mother gave me, take it or leave it…” that is the wrong attitude. There are no “ugly women”, only “ lazy women”. A woman with plain features but elegantly dressed and well groomed is far more attractive to a wife seeking man than any tawdry, unkempt woman with beautiful features.
Regardless what kind of face or body you were born with, your mission is to make a continuous effort to look the best you can at all times, and stop blaming your mother.
Physical attraction helps start a relationship, mental compatibility helps sustain it. Men often complain that Hong Kong women are shallow, educated only in their fields of expertise, otherwise boring and ignorant. Learn to improve your mental prowess by widening your scope of interest. Instead of focusing solely on fashion, facial and fortunes, develop a hobby, take up a sport, learn a new skill, cultivate an interest in current affairs and world news… watch yourself grow and glow.
Your job carries little relevance in husband hunting, so do not adopt your job title as your sole identity, have something else outside your work arena which also defines you. Being “busy” has no value, it’s being busy and constructive that brings enhancement. Try doing something kind or meaningful, perhaps rebuilding grandma’s kitchen shelf or whatever. Feeling gratified triggers a positive attitude, a fulfilled person is more understanding, supportive, and forgiving, and less inclined to be needy, clingy, or domineering. Feeling rewarded makes you a happier person, and happiness brings a host of positive attributes while shedding many negative ones.
Easier said than done? Just persevere:
I was feeling tired on my exercise bike and stopped. Then the Paralympic Games came on TV… Mortified, I finished my exercise program without further complaint… J.K. Rowling was living on government subsidy when she wrote Harry Potter. Twelve publishers turned her down, and Bloomsbury, who finally bought her manuscript, initially told her to “get a day job”….
As of 2012, Israel ranks 16th among 186 world nations on the UN’s Human Development Index, placing it in the category of "Very Highly Developed" countries . Because their economy is so technologically advanced! This is amazing because Israel has never ceased to be at war. They have been under enemy attacks since decades, so far 1700 missiles have been fired at them, albeit only 17 landed, the unrelenting fear, tension, anxiety must have been excruciating… and yet they still manage to find the time, tenacity , perseverance, composure and determination to build and grow a brilliant economy which completely puts the Americans and Europeans to shame !! That’s perseverance.
Yes, everything is possible. It only becomes impossible when you stop trying. So, whatever you do, please don’t give up.
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