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  真愛是建立在友誼、信任和對彼此的尊重上,要用心經營,要用時間努力維繫,才能開花結果。在香港,所有新僱員都有3個月試用期,令我困惑的是, Florence這類女性,為何只望了對方一眼,便說無feel,斷定那個人不適合自己?






Following One’s Dream…?


  CK has been teaching at the same university since many years, a stable man with a stable job. Wolfgang is the owner of a helicopter company, & Jason is a Ph.D hydro engineer. When asked why I choose them for Florence? I explained: ''They are good natured fellows with all the right core values; genuine & responsible family type, what I would consider good husband material.''


  Florence rejected them all because ''… that is not what I want!''  So what does she want then? She said she prefers someone who is more attractive, charming & witty, someone who can ignite her flame, sweep her off her feet, and give her that fuzzy warm feeling inside…For weeks she adamantly insists she has the right to pursue her dream!  Is she wrong? 


  Yes, I think she is.


  The fundamental rule of being a successful human being is to be age-appropriate with our word and deed. When 80 year old grandpa climbs up a flight of stairs in 10 minutes, we say he is doing well. When an 18 years old boy does that, we ask ''what took you so long?" When a 2 year old mispronounces words repeatedly, we say she is cute & we laugh. When a 20 year old does that, it’s called speech impediment.


  When we are sixteen, we have our whole lives ahead of us, we read love stories, we giggle about boys, we fantasize about 「prince charming」, it’s so romantic, and yes, we follow our dreams…


  When we are forty, we have menopause ahead of us, what was once sweet & romantic now becomes naive and unrealistic. What was once "pursuing a dream" now becomes "chasing rainbows."  Time is no longer on our side, if we still want to build a family, we have to be sensible, pragmatic and act responsibly.


There is infatuation and there is love.


  If that witty, gorgeous hunk in the Armani suit driving a Maserati is sending electrical current throughout your entire body and melting every organ you think you have, that is infatuation in the purest form. It cannot be "true love" because you don’t know enough about him to love! This is "boyfriend material", because he satisfies our vanity, sense of adventure…and our passion. But being charming, witty, handsome are all perishable ingredients. If that’s all he’s got, what happens when the frenzy subsides?


  True love is a sentiment one needs to cultivate, best on the foundation of friendship, trust and respect. Until this relationship blossoms requires the nurturing of time and effort. Any new employee in HK is entitled to 3 months’ probation, so I am baffled how people like Florence can reject someone instantaneously, based on "one look" and her intuitive judgment of having "no chemistry", "no feel"… "no electrical current "!


  Ladies, if you are looking for a man in your life, ask yourself first whether you are seeking infatuation from a "boyfriend" or true love from a "husband" and then act accordingly.




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