17/01/2024 08:10
*美儲局打臉 加息轉減息*
但到同年12月13日,公布的經濟數據不賴,起碼好過12月1日前後的經濟數據,美聯儲局應加強鷹言,要加息。但使市場超意外的是,美聯儲局謂討論減息。這就是去年底金融市場頭條的Fed Pivot。講好聽是轉身,其實就是美聯儲局自己打臉。
1965年美總統是約翰.詹森,美聯儲局主席是William McChesney Martin,當年12月,美聯儲局議息,去加discount rate(貼現率)半厘至4.5厘,投票結果是4:3,是美聯儲局主席Martin投下那決定性的一票。
消息出來,在德州的詹森光火了,其助理Joseph Califano回憶道:詹森burning up the wires to Washington asking one member of Congress after another 「How can I run the country and the government if I have to read on a news -service ticker that Bill Martin is going to run his own economy?」
簡譯過來是:Bill Martin只顧其經濟,不配合我的政策,點搞。
「You went ahead and did something that you knew I disapproved of that can affect my entire term here」 Johnson said as Martin re認購證ed later in an oral history. 「You took advantage of me and I'm not going to forget it because here I am a sick man. You've got me into a position where you can run a rapier into me and you've run it。」
「Martin my boys are dying in Vietnam and you won't print the money I need」 he said.
Martin stood his ground. He pointed out that he had given the president fair warning that a raise was coming. More broadly he insisted that he and the president had different jobs to do that the Federal Reserve Act gave the Fed responsibility over interest rates.
「I knew you disapproved of it but I had to 認購證 the shot as I saw it」 he said.
……in 1965 President Lyndon B. Johnson who wanted cheap credit to finance the Vietnam War and his Great Society summoned Fed chairman William McChesney Martin to his Texas ranch. There after asking other officials to leave the room Johnson reportedly shoved Martin against the wall as he demanding that the Fed once again hold down interest rates. Martin caved the Fed printed money and inflation kept climbing until the early 1980s.
1. 真減息;
2. 不再QT,即是不向市場抽水;
3. 津貼Repo Reserve再度回增,為市場提供資金流動性;
4. 找個藉口再QE;
5. 延長本於今年3月11日的Bank Term Funding Program(BTFP)。
鮑威爾會怎做?我懶得去估,最能保住今時美聯儲局面子的是,不再QT,津貼Repo Reserve回升,這兩項是金融業內人仕關注而普通人不會關注的事。
因此,今時不要太過分炒作公公開開的減息。但息一定會減,先是地下水增流,之後便水湧出地表,分分鐘有噴泉景觀。這點稍後談。《資深投資者 石鏡泉》
*美儲局打臉 加息轉減息*
但到同年12月13日,公布的經濟數據不賴,起碼好過12月1日前後的經濟數據,美聯儲局應加強鷹言,要加息。但使市場超意外的是,美聯儲局謂討論減息。這就是去年底金融市場頭條的Fed Pivot。講好聽是轉身,其實就是美聯儲局自己打臉。
1965年美總統是約翰.詹森,美聯儲局主席是William McChesney Martin,當年12月,美聯儲局議息,去加discount rate(貼現率)半厘至4.5厘,投票結果是4:3,是美聯儲局主席Martin投下那決定性的一票。
消息出來,在德州的詹森光火了,其助理Joseph Califano回憶道:詹森burning up the wires to Washington asking one member of Congress after another 「How can I run the country and the government if I have to read on a news -service ticker that Bill Martin is going to run his own economy?」
簡譯過來是:Bill Martin只顧其經濟,不配合我的政策,點搞。
「You went ahead and did something that you knew I disapproved of that can affect my entire term here」 Johnson said as Martin re認購證ed later in an oral history. 「You took advantage of me and I'm not going to forget it because here I am a sick man. You've got me into a position where you can run a rapier into me and you've run it。」
「Martin my boys are dying in Vietnam and you won't print the money I need」 he said.
Martin stood his ground. He pointed out that he had given the president fair warning that a raise was coming. More broadly he insisted that he and the president had different jobs to do that the Federal Reserve Act gave the Fed responsibility over interest rates.
「I knew you disapproved of it but I had to 認購證 the shot as I saw it」 he said.
……in 1965 President Lyndon B. Johnson who wanted cheap credit to finance the Vietnam War and his Great Society summoned Fed chairman William McChesney Martin to his Texas ranch. There after asking other officials to leave the room Johnson reportedly shoved Martin against the wall as he demanding that the Fed once again hold down interest rates. Martin caved the Fed printed money and inflation kept climbing until the early 1980s.
1. 真減息;
2. 不再QT,即是不向市場抽水;
3. 津貼Repo Reserve再度回增,為市場提供資金流動性;
4. 找個藉口再QE;
5. 延長本於今年3月11日的Bank Term Funding Program(BTFP)。
鮑威爾會怎做?我懶得去估,最能保住今時美聯儲局面子的是,不再QT,津貼Repo Reserve回升,這兩項是金融業內人仕關注而普通人不會關注的事。
因此,今時不要太過分炒作公公開開的減息。但息一定會減,先是地下水增流,之後便水湧出地表,分分鐘有噴泉景觀。這點稍後談。《資深投資者 石鏡泉》
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