Part 3a:如何用e-mail詢問其他付款方式
To: Eva Stewart
Subject: Regarding the Payment Method
Dear Ms. Stewart,
I'm writing to ask you for a favor. [說明情況 Please allow me to explain our situation.]
Normally, we make and receive payments to and from our bank account. For our 國內業務domestic business, this has proved convenient.
[希望選擇的付款方式 For our international affairs, however, we prefer letters of credit信用證.] We apologize if this comes as an inconvenience to you. Let us know if we can proceed with the order. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us. [等候回覆 We await your reply.]
Yours sincerely,
Josh Lawson
R&D Collection
*More information*
● 信用狀/信用證(Letter of Credit, L/C)
● 跟單託收(Documentary Collections, D/C)
● 記帳方式(Open Account, O/A)
● PayPal
● 匯款(T/T, D/D)
● 保證函(Bank’s Guarantee)
● 擔保信用狀(Standby L/C )
預付現金(cash-in-advance)的機制,包括銀行轉帳(wire transfer) 、信用卡(credit card) 、支票 (check/cheque)等,能讓出口商避免信貸風險(credit risk)。然而,買方通常不太喜歡預付現金的機制,因為這可能會産生現金流(cash-flow)的問題,而且還有屆時可能無法交貨的疑慮。因此,出口商若堅持預付現金為他們的唯一付款方式,客戶很可能就會流失到願意提供更多彈性付款方式的廠商。
Part 3b:如何用e-mail回覆其他付款方式
To: John Edwards
Subject: Re: Regarding the Payment Method
Dear Mr. Lawson,
We would like to accommodate滿足;遷就 your request to use a letter of credit. However, our accounting department is unfamiliar with不熟悉 this type of payment. [提出疑慮 We are afraid the process may be difficult to coordinate.] Since you have experience in this form of payment, perhaps you could explain it to us.
We apologize for our inexperience in this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Eva Stewart
Tiger Gadgets
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