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郭子豪以英文撰長文在IG分享喜悅,「She’s said “yes” and We’re officially engaged!Lucky me :) Been wracking my brain for years, wondering how to make a once-in-a-lifetime question truly special. How do you make the love of your life feel on top of the world? Wanted our proposal to be as unforgettable as the promise to share our futures. The idea actually came from her – she once said she’d never been on a cruise. So I thought, why not a cruise proposal for ultimate romance?! Fooled her into thinking it was just a causal holiday trip to Japan, then – surprise! – transformed the scene for the big question. Proposed at Yokohama port in Japan aboard the Diamond Princess cruise, with our families there to witness it, accompanied by well-wishes from other passengers. It was a HUGE mission keeping it all under wraps when we’re practically spending time almost everyday. Sneaking around to plan with the cruise staff, marketing team, our families, and sorting out all the props ! After six months of secret planning through calls,zooms and messages, it all came together perfectly.Massive shout-out to my sister, Jojo, Derek, Gee, Te Wei, Dear Jane Tim and the whole cruise crews. Couldn’t have pulled it off without your help. More details on how I prepare it in upcoming post/reels. (她答應了,我們正式訂婚了! 幸運的我 :) 多年來我一直絞盡腦汁,點樣可以令呢個重要時刻變得特別,令一生的摯愛感受到世界之巔?希望我們的求婚能像分享我們未來的承諾一樣令人難忘。 呢個諗法其實來自佢——佢曾經講過從未坐過遊輪,所以我諗,何不來一次郵輪求婚,實現終極浪漫呢?!我呃佢以為今次只係去日本度假,然後--驚喜!在日本橫濱港鑽石公主號郵輪上求婚,家人在場見證,還有其他乘客的祝福,當我哋幾乎每日都花時間將一切保密,絕對係艱鉅任務。同遊輪工作人員、行銷團隊、家人一起偷偷規劃,並整理所有道具!經過六個月透過電話和訊息進行的秘密計劃,一切都完美地結合在一起。特別要多謝妹妹、Jojo、Derek、Gee、Te Wei、親愛的 Jane Tim 和所有遊輪船員大聲嗌:沒有你的幫助就不可能成功。)
而鄧卓殷特別分享自己的心路歷程,「2023年初夏,沒想到這一趟旅程將會改變我一生,懷着去旅行放鬆的心情,到日本玩幾天,興奮的我還買了頂草帽!沒想到一上船他就跟了朋友走開了,説要打個招呼,叫我好好留在房間看安全指引,不然船不會開。第一次坐郵輪的我,對程序毫無頭緒,便乖乖留在房間,沒想到過了半小時,他還未回來,突然有人按門鈴,給我戴上花冠,我才知道…(還差點穿了拖鞋出門)一直以為我們的求婚會兩個人靜靜地過,沒想到會是這麼大場面,看見他在郵輪大螢幕上,有全船的人一起見證着,他講的一番說話,承諾播放着我們這幾年來的片段,回頭看,的確經歷了很多,也成長了很多。沒想到驚喜還未完,他還把所有家人都叫來見證住我們生命這麼重要的一刻,我這個傻瓜竟然半年內一點蛛絲馬跡也沒發覺,直到現在也覺得像是一場夢。謝謝你,為我準備的一切,謝謝你,這些年來一直以愛相伴,my lover, my soulmate , my best friend, my work partner and …. now MY FIANCÉ!! 知大家也等了很長時間,here I announce, we are engaged!!!」
轉載自: 晴報
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