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商業英文 | 想跟上時代腳步?必識8個近年流行Business Terms:Unicorn是甚麼公司?業務模式大轉變怎樣講?

  在日新月異的商業環境中,我們怎能不跟上社會的步伐呢?學會這些商業詞彙,不但能幫助你更清晰簡潔地表達自己的想法,更能讓你在競爭激烈的商業世界中脫穎而出。為了幫助大家擴闊視野,本周,筆者會為大家介紹8個在企業領域中日益受到重視的商業詞彙,here you go!


(Credit: https://www.shutterstock.com/ )


1. Disruptive Innovation 顛覆性的發明


Disruptive Innovation refers to a groundbreaking innovation that creates a new market and displaces existing products or services. Companies that embrace disruptive innovation often revolutionize industries.


  (Disruptive Innovation指的是開創性的發明,這些發明一般成功創造新的市場並取代現有的產品或服務。這些新的公司往往會革新產業。)


2. Micro-Moment 「微時刻」


(Credit: https://www.shutterstock.com/ )


Micro-Moment refers to a  brief period when a consumer reflexively turns to a device to act on a need – to learn, do, discover, watch, or buy something. Understanding and leveraging micro-moments is crucial for effective marketing strategies in the digital age.


  (消費者在好奇心驅使下反射性地走向某產品的短暫瞬間,包括學習如何使用、觀察產品,繼而考慮購買。 了解並好好利用micro-moment對於有效的營銷策略至關重要。)


3. Unicorn 獨角獸


In the business world, a unicorn is a privately held startup company valued at over $1 billion. These rare and highly successful ventures capture the imagination of investors and entrepreneurs alike.


  (在商業世界中, “unicorn”是用來描述一家價值超過10億美元的私人初創公司。 這些罕見且極其成功的企業引起了投資者和企業家的想像。)


4. Bootstrapping 靠自己的的;自力更生的


Bootstrapping refers to the practice of building a business using minimal external resources or capital. Bootstrapping entrepreneurs rely on creativity, frugality, and self-funding to grow their ventures.


  (Bootstrapping這個字用來描述「只靠最少資源和資本來創業」。 自力更生的企業家依靠創造力、節儉和自資來發展他們的事業。)


5. Gig Economy 零工經濟


Refers to a labor market characterized by short-term contracts or freelance work as opposed to traditional full-time employment. The gig economy offers flexibility and autonomy to workers.




6. Blockchain 區塊鏈


A decentralized and secure digital ledger technology used to record transactions across multiple computers. Blockchain has applications beyond cryptocurrency, including supply chain management and smart contracts.


  (一種分散且安全的數字帳本技術,用於在多台設備之間記錄交易。 區塊鏈的應用不僅限於加密貨幣,還包括供應鏈管理和智能合約。)


7. Deep Dive 深度挖掘;深度分析


(Credit: https://www.shutterstock.com/ )


To conduct an in-depth analysis or investigation into a specific topic or issue. Deep dives are essential for gaining comprehensive insights and making informed business decisions.


  (Deep Dive指針對某特定問題進行深入分析或調查。 Deep Dive對於獲得全面的見解並做出明智的商業決策至關重要。)


8. Pivot (業務模式的)大轉變/改革


Refers to a strategic shift in a company's business model, product offering, or market focus. Pivoting allows businesses to adapt to changing market conditions and customer needs.








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