Fashion 收藏文章 22/02/2016Text: Katrina Yee 【OSCAR FASHION】回顧!1989-2014年奧斯卡金像獎難忘影星造型 #Celebrity Style #Red Carpet Starlight 雪白色的氣質女神 純白晚裝能夠突顯女性優雅一面,幾位女神級女星曾經亦不約而以白色長裙出席奧斯卡頒獎典禮,突顯非凡氣質。 Kim Basinger in her own design.from the 62nd Annual Academy Awards, 1990 Juliette Lewis in a '20s style gown.from the 64th Academy Awards, 1992 Marion Cotillard in Jean Paul Gaultier.from the 80th Academy Awards, 2008 Gwyneth Paltrow in Tom Ford.from the 84th Academy Awards, 2012 Source: Oscar 【你點睇】港鐵失倫敦伊利沙伯線專營權,你認為「國際化」遇挫的港鐵應否將重心轉移回本地?► 立即投票123456