


#職場英語 #打工仔 #職場 #營銷推廣







• Ever wish you could……? (有沒有想過您可以......?)

E.g. Ever wish you could access medical information right from your iPhone? 



• Aren’t you tired of......(您不厭倦......嗎?)

E.g. Aren't you tired of cooking?



• We get it.(我們理解的。)

E.g. You're Busy. We Get it.

(您很忙, 我們理解的。)


• We’ve got you. (我們找到您了!)

E.g. Feeling stressed? Keep Scrolling. We've Got You! 

(壓力很大? 繼續向下滑 。我們找到您了!)


• Improve your……now. (立即改善......吧。)

E.g. Improve your cooking skills now.



• Discover what it’s like to……(來發掘一下......的感覺吧!)

E.g. Discover what it's like to live in a homey hotel. 



• Experience what it’s like to...... (來感受......體驗吧。)

E.g. Experience what it’s like to sing with your idol.



• You deserve...... (您值得......)

E.g. You deserve a better service. 



• You’ve earned...... (您獲得了......)

E.g. You've earned a chance for a new lifestyle. 






• Ends soon (即將結束)

E.g. Our FALL SUPER SALE ends soon! 



• Download …... now/today.  (立即下載XXX!)

E.g. Want to enjoy your videos anywhere and any time? Download LouisHK now! 

(想隨時隨地欣賞您的視頻嗎? 立即下載LouisHK!)


• While supplies last (送完即止)

E.g. The offer stands while supplies last. 



• For a limited time only(優惠期有限)

E.g. Available for a limited time only !



• Sale ends Sunday.(促銷將於周日結束)

E.g. Special Mom’s Day Sales Ends Sunday!



• Act now before time runs out. (限時搶購,立即行動)


• Get it while it’s hot.(有買趁手)

E.g. Get it while it’s hot: 40% OFF regular priced pizzas on delivery.



• Last chance.  (最後機會)

E.g. 75% Off Last Chance Sale.



• Don’t want to miss (不要錯過)

E.g. The summer sale you don’t want to miss!






• No questions asked(無條件/不過問)

E.g. We offer a no questions asked 100% money-back guarantee.



• First month free(首月費用全免)

E.g. Get your first month free now!



• The first month is on us!(首月費用我們來付)


• No hidden fees (無隱藏費用)

E.g. Generation Finance – No Hidden Fees.

(世代金融 —無隱藏費用。)






• What do you have to lose?(您沒有損失)


• Give us a shot. (給我們一個機會)


• Do you want to......?(您想......嗎?)

E.g. Do you want to prepare a surprise for your beloved ones?



• What’s in it for you?  (想知道這對您有什麼幫助?)


• Start now(立即行動)

E.g. Start Now! You Can Make a Difference on LOUISHK.com. 

(立即行動:LOUISHK.com. )


• Become...... (立即化身......)

E.g. Become A Princess Now!






• Guaranteed (有保證的)

E.g. Guaranteed Freight Delivery Service.



• Or your money back(全額奉還)

E.g. Satisfaction or your money back 



• You can unsubscribe(取消訂閱)at any time.  (您可以隨時取消訂閱)


• We won’t flood your inbox(我們不會轟炸您的收件箱)

E.g. We won't flood your inbox. Promise.  



• No obligation(沒有義務)

E.g. No Obligation. Free Trial. 

(沒有義務。 免費試用。)


• No purchase necessary(您無需付出任何費用)

E.g. There’s no purchase necessary to enter to win the iPet2.0!



• Cancel at any time(可隨時取消)

E.g. You can cancel at any time without penalty. 




職場英文 | 首次與商業夥伴會面!只識講Nice to meet you?教你12句表達「很高興認識你」

#英文教學 #學英文 #職場 #自我介紹 #職場英語 #見客 #語文增值 #技能增值

  當首次與商業夥伴會面時,傳達專業和尊重至關重要,除了一句 "Nice to meet you"外,我們還可以如何表達「很高興認識你」?儘管「Nice to meet you」是一個常見的說法,以下是12個替代語句,可讓您留下積極的印象:


Credit: https://stock.adobe.com



1. “It was a pleasure meeting you” 「很高興見到您」


This phrase adds formality and warmth.(這句話既正式又溫暖。)



"It was a pleasure meeting you at the conference yesterday. I enjoyed our discussion on industry trends."



2. “Pleased to meet you” 「很高興認識您」


A polite way to express your pleasure.(表達您的愉悅之情。)


(Credit: https://stock.adobe.com)



“Pleased to meet you. I look forward to our collaboration."



3. “It’s a pleasure to meet you” 「能夠認識您是我的榮幸」


  Similar to the previous one, emphasizing the pleasure of the encounter.(與前一句類似,強調了這次相遇的愉悅。)



"It’s a pleasure to meet you. Let’s discuss our project further."



4. “Glad to have met you”「很高興遇見您 」


Conveys appreciation.(表達感激之情。)



"Glad to have met you. Your insights were valuable."



5. “It was great connecting with you” 「很高興與您聯繫」


(Credit: https://stock.adobe.com)


Suitable for virtual meetings.(適用於虛擬會議。)



"It was great connecting with you online. Let’s schedule a follow-up call."



6. “Happy to meet you” 「很高興認識您」


A friendly and positive alternative.(友好且積極的替代語句。)



"Happy to meet you. Let’s explore potential synergies."



7. “Enjoyed meeting you”「很享受與您見面」


Expresses genuine enjoyment.(真誠地表達愉悅之情。)



"I enjoyed meeting you. Let’s explore collaboration opportunities."



8. “Good to have met you” 「很高興認識您」


Simple and friendly.(簡單而友好的說法。)



"Good to have met you. Looking forward to future interactions."



9. “Pleased to make your acquaintance” 「很高興與您交流」


More formal.(更正式的說法。)



"Pleased to make your acquaintance. Let’s discuss our mutual interests."



10. “Glad we had the chance to meet” 「很高興有機會與您見面」


Appreciative and forward-looking.(感激且前瞻性的說法。)



"Glad we had the chance to meet. Let’s stay in touch."



11. “Delighted to make your acquaintance”「很高興與您結識」


(Credit: https://stock.adobe.com)


Adds sophistication.(這說法增添了一份精緻感。)



"Delighted to make your acquaintance. I’m impressed by your expertise."



12. “It’s nice to e-meet you!” 「很高興首次以電郵方式和你聯絡」


Used in an email to indicate that you are happy with your first meeting online.(在電子郵件中使用,表示您對網絡上的初次見面感到高興。)




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