Summary of listed companies announcements (1)
Code Company Summary
00005 HSBC HOLDINGS Next Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback)
00005 HSBC HOLDINGS Announcements and Notices - (Overseas Regulatory Announcement - Othe
00005 HSBC HOLDINGS Announcements and Notices - (Terms of Reference of the Audit Committ
00005 HSBC HOLDINGS Announcements and Notices - (Terms of Reference of Other Board Commi
00005 HSBC HOLDINGS Announcements and Notices - (Terms of Reference of the Nomination Co
00005 HSBC HOLDINGS Announcements and Notices - (Terms of Reference of the Remuneration
00019 SWIRE PACIFIC ANext Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback)
00022 MEXAN Announcements and Notices - (Discloseable Transaction)
00050 HK FERRY (HOLD)Announcements and Notices - (Change in Share Registrar/Transfer Agen
00060 HK FOOD INV Next Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback)
00087 SWIRE PACIFIC BNext Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback)
00107 SICHUAN EXPRESSAnnouncements and Notices - (Overseas Regulatory Announcement - Busi
ness Update)
00107 SICHUAN EXPRESSAnnouncements and Notices - (Connected Transaction / Discloseable Tr
ansaction / Announcement by Offeree Company under the Takeovers Code
/ Delay in Dispatch of Circular or other Document)
00108 GR LIFE STYLE Announcements and Notices - (Connected Transaction)
00111 CINDA INTL HLDGAnnouncements and Notices - (Major Transaction / Delay in Dispatch o
f Circular or other Document)
00115 GRAND FIELD GP Announcements and Notices - (Major Transaction)
00116 CHOW SANG SANG Next Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback)
00119 POLY PROPERTY Announcements and Notices - (Inside Information)
00138 CCT FORTIS Announcements and Notices - (Sufficiency of Public Float)
00146 TAI PING CARPETAnnouncements and Notices - (List of Directors and their Role and Fu
00146 TAI PING CARPETAnnouncements and Notices - (Change in Directors or of Important Exe
cutive Functions or Responsibilities / Change of Remuneration Commit
tee Member / Dividend or Distribution / Results of AGM / Other - Cor
porate Governance Related Matters)
00164 CHINA BAOLI TECAnnouncements and Notices - (Other - Business Update)
00167 IDT INT'L Announcements and Notices - (Inside Information)
00178 SA SA INT'L Circulars
00187 JINGCHENG MAC Announcements and Notices - (Continuing Connected Transaction)
00187 JINGCHENG MAC Announcements and Notices - (Continuing Connected Transaction / Over
seas Regulatory Announcement - Board/Supervisory Board Resolutions)
00223 ELIFE HLDGS Announcements and Notices - (Announcement by Offeree Company under t
he Takeovers Code / Suspension / Delay in Dispatch of Circular or ot
her Document)
00232 CON AERO TECH Announcements and Notices - (Continuing Connected Transaction / Resu
lts of EGM/SGM)
00240 BUILD KING HOLDAnnouncements and Notices - (Discloseable Transaction)
00267 CITIC Announcements and Notices - (Overseas Regulatory Announcement - Othe
00288 WH GROUP Announcements and Notices - (Results of EGM/SGM / Major Transaction
/ Spin-off)
00289 WING ON CO Next Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback)
00300 MIDEA GROUP Announcements and Notices - (Change in Registered Address or Office,
Registered Place of Business in HK or Agent for Service of Process
in HK)
00318 VONGROUP Announcements and Notices - (Date of Board Meeting)
00338 SHANGHAI PECHEMNext Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback)
# in ascending order of company codes, for further information, please visit HKEx news