[ET Net News Agency, 23 December 2024] WEB3 META (08093) fell 15.6% to HK$0.065.
It hits an intra-day low of HK$0.065, hitting a historical low, and an intra-day high of
HK$0.073. The total shares traded was 25,000, with a value of HK$1,785. The active
buy/sell ratio is 18:82, with net selling turnover of HK$1,135. FUTU SEC INT'L accounts
for greatest net responsive buying turnover of HK$1,460, with volume weighted average
price of HK$0.073. YUANTA SEC (HK) accounts for greatest net responsive selling turnover
of HK$325, with volume weighted average price of HK$0.065.
Basic Information
Nominal 0.065 % Chg -15.58%
High 0.073 Low 0.065
Shares Tr 25,000 Turnover 1,785
10-D SMA 0.083 %H.V 95.448
20-D SMA 0.084 VWAP 0.071
50-D SMA 0.090 RSI14 19.666
Status: Hitting a historical low, active buy/sell ratio is 18:82, with net selling
turnover of HK$1,135