[ET Net News Agency, 15 November 2024] TIANGONG INT'L (00826) rose 10.3% to HK$1.93,
breaking above the 250-D SMA of HK$1.771.
It hits an intra-day high of HK$1.94, and an intra-day low of HK$1.74. The total shares
traded was 8.19 million, with a value of HK$15.38m. The active buy/sell ratio is 68:32,
with net buying turnover of HK$5.58m. J.P. MORGAN BRO (HK) accounts for greatest net
responsive buying turnover of HK$481,975, with volume weighted average price of HK$1.867.
GOLDMAN SACHS (ASIA) SEC accounts for greatest net responsive selling turnover of
HK$1.79m, with volume weighted average price of HK$1.872.
Basic Information
Nominal 1.930 % Chg +10.29%
High 1.940 Low 1.740
Shares Tr 8.19m Turnover 15.38m
10-D SMA 1.851 %H.V 41.451
20-D SMA 1.828 VWAP 1.879
50-D SMA 1.835 RSI14 56.310
Status: Breaking above the 250-D SMA, active buy/sell ratio is 68:32, with net buying
turnover of HK$5.58m
Performance of stocks in the same sector or of relevance
Stock (Code) Price (HK$) Change (%)
TIANGONG INT'L (00826) 1.930 +10.29
SHOUGANG CENT (00103) 0.360 Unchanged
MAANSHAN IRON (00323) 1.160 -0.85
ANGANG STEEL (00347) 1.440 Unchanged
CHINA ORIENTAL (00581) 1.160 Unchanged
CHONGQING IRON (01053) 0.960 +2.13
DA MING INT'L (01090) 0.780 Unchanged
GRACE LIFE-TECH (02112) 0.124 -3.12
HUAJIN INTL (02738) 0.740 -2.63
CHINA HANKING (03788) 0.790 -1.25