[ET Net News Agency, 20 December 2024] SINO GAS HLDGS (01759) rose 73.3% to HK$0.78,
breaking above the 250-D SMA of HK$0.713.
It hits an intra-day high of HK$0.79, hitting an 1-month high, and an intra-day low of
HK$0.405, hitting an 1-month low. The total shares traded was 95,000, with a value of
HK$42,085. The active buy/sell ratio is 88:12, with net buying turnover of HK$32,255. FUTU
SEC INT'L accounts for greatest net responsive buying turnover of HK$1,255, with volume
weighted average price of HK$0.456. YUANTA SEC (HK) accounts for greatest net responsive
selling turnover of HK$8,100, with volume weighted average price of HK$0.405.
Basic Information
Nominal 0.780 % Chg +73.33%
High 0.790 Low 0.405
Shares Tr 95,000 Turnover 42,085
10-D SMA 0.552 %H.V 199.759
20-D SMA 0.606 VWAP 0.443
50-D SMA 0.612 RSI14 80.313
Status: Breaking above the 250-D SMA, hitting an 1-month high, hitting an 1-month low,
active buy/sell ratio is 88:12, with net buying turnover of HK$32,255
Performance of stocks in the same sector or of relevance
Stock (Code) Price (HK$) Change (%)
SINO GAS HLDGS (01759) 0.78 +73.33
HK & CHINA GAS (00003) 6.08 -0.33
KUNLUN ENERGY (00135) 8.07 -0.86
CHINA GAS HOLD (00384) 6.54 +0.46
BEIJING ENT (00392) 25.70 +0.59
SINOPEC KANTONS (00934) 4.67 -1.89
CHINA SUNTIEN (00956) 3.53 -2.22
CHINA RES GAS (01193) 29.95 +0.17
ENN ENERGY (02688) 54.60 +0.65
CIMC ENRIC (03899) 6.92 -0.72