Summary of GEM-listed companies announcements
Code Company Summary
08017 TRADEGO Announcements and Notices - (Other - Trading Update)
08062 EFT SOLUTIONS Announcements and Notices - (Notice of AGM / Closure of Books or Ch
ange of Book Closure Period)
08062 EFT SOLUTIONS Financial Statements/ESG Information - (Annual Report / Environment
al, Social and Governance Information/Report)
08062 EFT SOLUTIONS Circulars - (Re-election or Appointment of Director subject to Shar
eholders' Approval / Capitalisation Issue / Explanatory Statement f
or Repurchase of Shares / General Mandate)
08065 KML TECH Circulars
08065 KML TECH Financial Statements/ESG Information - (Annual Report)
08065 KML TECH Announcements and Notices - (Notice of AGM / Closure of Books or Ch
ange of Book Closure Period)
08065 KML TECH Financial Statements/ESG Information - (Environmental, Social and G
overnance Information/Report)
08065 KML TECH Circulars - (Re-election or Appointment of Director subject to Shar
eholders' Approval / Explanatory Statement for Repurchase of Shares
/ General Mandate)
08149 ALTUS HLDGS Announcements and Notices - (Notice of AGM)
08187 JIMU GROUP Announcements and Notices - (Issue of Shares under a Specific Manda
te / Placing)
08293 SINGASIA HLDG Announcements and Notices - (Allotment Results / Placing / Rights I
08428 CBK HOLDINGS Company Information Sheet
08428 CBK HOLDINGS Announcements and Notices - (List of Directors and their Role and F
08428 CBK HOLDINGS Announcements and Notices - (Change in Registered Address or Office
, Registered Place of Business in HK or Agent for Service of Proces
s in HK)
08428 CBK HOLDINGS Announcements and Notices - (Change in Directors or of Important Ex
ecutive Functions or Responsibilities / Change of Audit Committee M
ember / Change of Remuneration Committee Member)
08502 OCEAN LINE PORT Company Information Sheet
08502 OCEAN LINE PORT Announcements and Notices - (List of Directors and their Role and F
08502 OCEAN LINE PORT Announcements and Notices - (Change in Directors or of Important Ex
ecutive Functions or Responsibilities / Change of Audit Committee M
ember / Change of Remuneration Committee Member)
08511 MIN FU INTL Announcements and Notices - (Other - Miscellaneous)
08523 SHEUNG MOON Announcements and Notices - (List of Directors and their Role and F
08523 SHEUNG MOON Announcements and Notices - (Change in Directors or of Important Ex
ecutive Functions or Responsibilities / Change of Audit Committee M
ember / Change of Remuneration Committee Member)
08532 POLYFAIR HLDGS Announcements and Notices - (Delay in Results Announcement / Suspen
sion / Inside Information)
08623 CH SAFTOWER-NEW Company Information Sheet
08623 CH SAFTOWER-NEW Next Day Disclosure Returns - (Others)
# in ascending order of company codes, for further information, please visit HKEx news