30/12/2014Text: 廖國安 (香港註冊建築師)Photo: 郭永義 (香港註冊建築師)
建築於1901年完成,采用的是當時流行的藝術與工藝風格(Arts & Crafts Style),墻身以石材砌成,加上木鋼混合的構架屋頂。隨著時代的改變,該址在1947年開始改作露天茶座及西餐廳,及后曾面臨拆卸的命運,也經歷多次的改動及加建,現在僅能依稀看到原本的佈局和裝飾。可幸餐廳已成爲很多香港人和遊客的美好回憶而得以幸存,并被評定為二級歷史建築物。
The Old Peak Café
Year: 1902
From the shelter for coolies to a restaurant of romance: The Old Peak Café
Speaking of the Old Peak Café, most of us associate it with a little hut with red roof hidden in the woods, serving romantic meals with its delicacies and captivating view of Victoria Peak. It is perhaps difficult for one to imagine that it was a structure built to provide shelter for sedan chairs and their bearers in the first place. Legislative council members brought forth the suggestion of its construction as an additional item of the budget plan for building governor resort on the Peak.
Completed in 1901, the architecture was built in Arts & Crafts style which was fashionable at the time. It was surrounded by stone walls and topped with pitched roof made with wood and steel. The building was converted into an open-air café and a restaurant in 1947. Surviving threat to be demolished and several times of reconstruction and extension, the site has changed a lot throughout the years and its original structure and decorations could hardly be seen now. We are still fortunate to have the Old Peak Café declared as a Grade II Historic Building, to keep the architecture and the memory of our good old days for locals and visitors to savor.
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